Zeppelin's Blues: Twaalf Originele Luchtsigaren
CD, 2007, Heftbeilage

Herstellungsland Niederlande
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2007
Zeit 36:01
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Revolver / IMAREV-0607
Musikrichtung Blues
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 36:01  
1. Little Richard Keep A Knockin' 2:20
2. Blind Willie Johnson Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed 3:14 C
3. Leadbelly The Gallis Pole 3:03
4. Sonny Terry Custard Pie Blues 3:00
5. Sleepy John Estes Drop Down Mama 3:08
6. Jake Holmes Dazed And Confused 3:49
7. Robert Johnson Stones In My Passway 2:28
8. Blind Willie Johnson It's Nobody's Fault but Mine 3:12
9. Otis Rush I Can't Quit You Baby 3:06
10. Memphis Minnie & Kansas Joe McCoy When the Levee Breaks [as Memphis Minnie ] 3:08
11. Howlin' Wolf Killing Floor 2:48
12. Robert Johnson Travelling Riverside Blues 2:45


REVOLVER | NUMMER 12 - 2007 REVOLVER | Revolver Magazine, December 2007 // (p)/(c) Revolver Magazine


matrix/CD/backcover: IMAREV-0607

01 - Richard Penniman

02 - Blind Willie Johnson
- Traditional ~ "In My Time of Dying" (also called "Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed" or a variation thereof) is a traditional gospel music song that has been recorded by numerous musicians
- "Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed" recorded by Blind Willie Johnson (1927)

03 - Huddy Leadbetter
- arr. by Huddie Ledbetter / Alternate titles: ""The Maid Freed from the Gallows", "Gallows Pole", "Hangman", "Gallows Pole, Gallows Tree", ...
- "The Maid Freed from the Gallows" is one of many titles of a centuries-old folk song about a condemned maiden pleading for someone to buy her freedom from the executioner. In the collection of ballads compiled by Francis James Child in the late nineteenth century, it is indexed as Child Ballad number 95; eleven variants, some fragmentary, are indexed as 95A to 95K. The Roud number is 144. The ballad existed in a number of folkloric variants from many different countries, and has been remade in a variety of formats. It was recorded in 1939 as "The Gallis Pole" by Lead Belly, but the most famous version was the 1970 arrangement of the Fred Gerlach version by Led Zeppelin

04 - SaundersTerrell

05 - John Estes / Hammie Nixon

06 - Jake Holmes
- June 1967 album "The Above Ground Sound" .
- in 1968 Jimmy Page took the title, came up with a new set of lyrics, and changed enough of the melody to escape a plagiarism lawsuit. The Led Zeppelin version was not credited to Jake Holmes, and they also had a different ASCAP code assigned to it. While Holmes took no action at the time, he did later contact Jimmy Page in regards to the matter. Page has not yet replied.
- "Dazed and Confused" was covered by The Yardbirds + reworked by Led Zeppelin who hold a separate copyright on the song

07 - Robert Johnson

08 - Blind Willie Johnson
- "It's Nobody's Fault but Mine" or "Nobody's Fault but Mine" is a traditional song first recorded by gospel blues artist Blind Willie Johnson in 1927

09 - Willie Dixon

10 - Lizzy Douglas / Joe McCoy

11 - Chester Burnett

12 - Robert Johnson

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