Now Hear This! March 2011
CD, 2011, Heftbeilage, Cardsleeve

Herstellungsland Frankreich
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2011
Zeit 55:11
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Word, The / WORDMARCH2011
Musikrichtung Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 55:11  
1. Ron Sexsmith Get In Line 2:29
2. Harrys Gym Toothpaste 3:06
3. Gruff Rhys Vitamin K 3:05
4. Patricia Vonne Fuente Vaqueros 3:52
5. Ben Ottewell Blackbird 4:33
6. J.M. Watts Perfect Timing [as John Watts] 4:51
7. Treefight For Sunlight You And The New World 2:53
8. Lia Ices Daphne [Feat. Justin Vernon] 5:21
9. Jonny You Was Me 3:11
10. Matt Berry Take My Hand 3:12
11. The Whigs Black Lotus 3:36
12. The Radio Dept. The New Improved Hypocracy 4:04
13. The Low Anthem Apothecary Love 4:22
14. Yngve & The Innocent You've Been Released 3:18
15. Patrick Campbell-Lyons Falling 3:18


matrix: CA WORDMARCH2011 @@
15 brand-new tracks hand-picked by The WORD
With Issue 97 Of The Word

What's on the CD:

1. Ron Sexsmith - Get In Line
“Not a lot of people have Ron’s gift,” says Daniel Lanois, producer to august clients like Dylan and U2. “The ability to see a tiny snapshot of a feeling, then expand upon it and deliver a beautiful song. The songs are like Polaroids.” For his new, 11th(-ish) solo record Canadian folk-pop auteur Sexsmith hooks up with heavyweight producer Bob Rock. The result is not metal monster but sweet and persuasive pop. “I’ve always been trying to make pop records, and all my heroes had hit records,” says Ron. “Elton John and Joni Mitchell were essentially album artists who also had hits. I was probably born at the wrong time.” Better late than never.

2. Harrys Gym - Toothpaste
Off to inner space with a new Norwegian four-piece who summon up MGMT and the Mahavishnu Orchestra.
From the album What Was Ours Can't Be Yours

3. Gruff Rhys - Vitamin K
In a sane and open-minded world, Super Furry Animal Gruff Rhys would be as acclaimed as Brian Wilson for his freewheeling, ambitious but never inaccessible adventures in pop like the beautiful track on this month’s Word CD. He is certainly catching up on the “living in a sandpit” front. The title of this third solo album refers to Gruff’s habit of pinching sachets of shampoo and other nick-nacks from any hotel he stayed in. He even built them into an actual mini-hotel, for an art project. “It’s a monument to the waste produced by our disposable age, and to catalogue my transient existence,” he says. Check in and see what condition his conditioner’s in.

4. Patricia Vonne - Fuente Vaqueros
Dismissing weediness, singer-actress Vonne rocks it up.
From the album Worth It

5. Ben Ottewell - Blackbird
The first album from the voice of Gomez was made with Sam Genders of Tunng and bursts with country-folky invention.
From the album Shapes & Shadows

6.: JOHN WATTS aka J. M. Watts
John Watts born December 27, 1954, Harrow, Greater London
Member of: Fischer-Z, The Cry, Watts.

JOHN WATTS - Perfect Timing
This is the JOHN WATTS from Fischer-Z, the band that anticipated post-punk before punk itself had properly got going. Watts has been working solo, and prolifically, since 1981 and this track comes from a multimedia project that does what it says on the tin. The CD/DVD comprises 13 songs, each with their own movie, but in its live incarnation Morethanmusic has included readings, anecdotes, interactive poetry – yes, it does exist – jokes, debate and films. This track is a wry and witty meditation on the nightmare of driving. He’s also performing some dates as Fischer-Z in April, but (so far) only in Holland. Best investigate EasyJet.

7. Treefight For Sunlight - You And The New World
Ecstatic West Coast pop that actually comes from Denmark. A sun-blasted epic from the Bella Union stable.
From the album Treefight For Sunlight

8. Lia Ices - Daphne
Understated beauty from a Brooklyn native and trained pianist. Here she duets with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.
From the album Grown Unknown

9. Jonny - You Was Me
eenage Fanclub’s Norman Blake and Euros Childs, ex- frontman of Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci, get together and go good-time melody mad. On tour in Feb!
From the album Jonny

10. Matt Berry - Take My Hand
Yes, that Matt Berry – from The IT Crowd – with a loving recreation of ’70s psych-folk.
From the album Witchazel

11. The Whigs - Black Lotus
ig rock from an Athens, Georgia trio – think Kings Of Leon plus Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
From the album In The Dark

12. The Radio Dept - The New Improved Hypocracy
Scandinavian dream-pop drawn from the Swedish band’s 2CD best-of.
From the forthcoming album Passive Aggressive: Singles 2002-2010

13. The Low Anthem - Apothecary Love
The Providence, RI band in more trad-country mood on album two, which was recorded in an abandonded pasta-sauce factory. Ragu mama ragu...
From the album Smart Flesh

14. Yngve & The Innocent - You've Been Released
Irish-German country-folk-pop artist Yngve Wieland is big in Ireland. Remember where you heard him first.
From the EP Nothing Was Delivered

15. Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Falling
A meditative closer from half of the original ’60s Brit-psych Nirvana, who once met the real Dalí.
From the album The 13 Dali's

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