The Wake Here Comes Everybody + Singles
CD, 2002, Re-Release

Herstellungsland Großbritannien
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2002
Orig. Release 1985
Zeit 72:11
EAN-Nr. 5019148631071
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. LTM / LTMCD 2332
Musikrichtung Dark Wave/Gothic: New Wave
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
4 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 72:11  
1. O Pamela 6:02
2. Send Them Away 3:42
3. Sail Through 3:25
4. Melancholy Man 7:22
5. World Of Her Own 2:53
6. Torn Calender 4:45
7. All I Asked You To Do 4:13
8. Here Comes Everybody 7:04
9. Talk About The Past 12" 6:25
10. Of The Matter 2:53
11. Gruesome Castle 3:18
12. Pale Spectre 3:59
13. Furious Sea 3:52
14. Plastic Flowers 3:50
15. Everybody Works So Hard 12'' 5:34
16. Of The Matter (Version) 2:54


Track 1 to 8 released as the Album Here Comes Everybody (FACT 130) in 1985.
Track 9 and 15 released as 12’’ Single (FAC 88) in 1984.
Track 10 and 16 released as a 7’’ Single (FAC 113) in 1985.
Track 11 to 14 released as the 12’’ Single Something No - One Else Could Bring (FAC 178) in 1987.

The band's second album originally released by Factory in November 1985, plus all tracks from the three related non-album singles for Factory. Right about the time New Order was learning how to play chords, this Glaswegian band (and Factory labelmates) took the layered-synth sound and made it their trademark, soaring above melancholy guitar and vocal work.
Now, more than 15 years later, most of the songs are still as beautiful and haunting -- but some of the simpler ones are showing their age as relics of the 1980s. If you're curious about The Wake, this is the one disc of theirs to buy. Most likely the music will mean more if you heard it Way Back When.
The eight non-LP singles are tough to find elsewhere and add up to a reasonable CD's worth of music on this otherwise short album. The drums and bass are equally low-key, finally allowing the band to once and for all escape the Joy Division-wannabe tag that had plagued them ever since their first single, "On Our Honeymoon." Dark-hued but not gloomy, the songs on Here Comes Everybody are musically varied enough to keep from sounding too samey.
This album is a brooding meditation on lost love with a tightly wound, contents-under-pressure edge that threatens to explode but never quite does. It's a most impressive end to a surprisingly excellent album.

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