The Olivia Tremor Control Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume 1
2-LP, 2011, Re-Release, Remastered, Gatefold

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2011
Orig. Release 1999
Zeit 69:14
EAN-Nr. 0789397828816
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Chunklet Magazine / CHKLP007
Musikrichtung Rock: Indie Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
LP 1
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 29:00  
A 1. Opening 0:25
A 2. A Familiar Noise Called "Train Director" 3:02
A 3. Combinations 0:04
A 4. Hideaway 2:34
A 5. Black Foliage (Animation 1) 1:11
A 6. Combinations 0:14
A 7. The Sky Is A Harpsichord Canvas 0:04
A 8. A Sleepy Company 3:40
A 9. Grass Canons 3:21
B 10. A New Day 2:29
B 11. Combinations 0:15
B 12. Black Foliage (Animation 2) 1:22
B 13. I Have Been Floated 3:39
B 14. Paranormal Echoes 3:31
B 15. Black Foliage (Animation 3) 0:44
B 16. A Place We Have Been To 2:25
LP 2
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 40:14  
A 1. Black Foliage (Itself) 2:54
A 2. The Sylvan Screen 6:08
A 3. The Bark And Below It 11:24
A 4. Black Foliage (Animation 4) 1:36
B 5. California Demise (3) 2:46
B 6. Looking For Quiet Seeds 3:13
B 7. Combinations 0:11
B 8. Mystery 3:26
B 9. Another Set Of Bees In The Museum 3:07
B 10. Black Foliage (Animation 5) 2:08
B 11. Hilltop Procession (Momentum Gaining) 3:21


Inkl. Download Code.

Recorded on various 4 and 8 track machines at home 95-98 and with Robert Schneider mixing and overdubbing on some tracks for two weeks in the spring of 98.
Track A8 cello sampled from his contribution to The Late Music by Black Swan Network on several of the tracks.

"Tell us your dreams, send cassette taped details documenting your dreams and sounds of your environment (real or otherwise) four our next project."

Black • Foliage • Notes:
"The idea as black foliage began was to take a section of the guitar line from Black Foliage (now called Itself) and make a set of animated departures stemming from that bass guitar melody, twisting it to many variations • as time moved on the animation series became intermingled with our daily lives, we added new hunks of sound everyday, the animation sections began to include pieces of each other - example: the vocals from 1 were reshaped and sampled into 2 - that reworking would be used. Again reshaped for 3 etc. as the other songs began to take shape we began extracting elements of them - example: horns from "Hideaway" and string part from "A Sleepy Company" - as each song became integrated as a whole into the new songs, edits became edits within edits... which birthed "combinations" - pieces of songs, melodies, vocal parts, drum fills etc. become electronic interludes that are derived from the songs themselves, all of which are in various states of becoming or drifting back from animation. Including dreams along the way from our "send us your dream" appeal, careful though, was also considered as to making the music pulse with the rhythm of modern life - at times things seem quiet, or multiple sounds merge... let your environment in..."

Matrix (Side A): CHNKLP A I'm a ramblin' guy JJGOLDEN
Matrix (Side B): CHNKLP-007 B RAMBLIN apostrophe O'Ramblin... JJGOLDEN
Matrix (Side C): CHNKLP-007 C You've been great, really, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming by... JJGOLDEN
Matrix (Side D): CHNKLP-007 D Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you... JJGOLDEN

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