The Art Of Noise The Best Of The Art Of Noise (The 7" Versions & The 12" Mixes)
2-CD, 1992, Best-Of, Re-Release

Herstellungsland Unbekannt
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1992
Orig. Release 1988
Zeit 102:18
EAN-Nr. 8712504681426
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. China Records Ltd. / 656 814-2
Musikrichtung Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
CD 1
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 32:56  
1. Opus 4 2:00
2. Yebo 3:50
3. Instruments Of Darkness (All Of Us Are One People) 3:39
4. Robinson Crusoe 3:47
5. Peter Gunn (Feat. Duane Eddy) 3:57
6. Paranoimia (Feat. Max Headroom) 3:18
7. Legacy 3:25
8. Dragnet '88 (From The Motion Picture) 3:00
9. Kiss (Feat. Tom Jones) 3:31
10. Something Always Happens 2:29
CD 2
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 69:22  
1. Opus 4 3:21
2. Yebo 7:21
3. Instruments Of Lightness [The Life Before Transformation Mix] 7:33
4. Crusoe 5:02
5. Peter Gunn (Feat. Duane Eddy) 7:30
6. Paranoimia (Feat. Max Headroom) 6:41
7. Legs 8:20
8. Dragnet '88 (From The Motion Picture) 7:16
9. Kiss (Feat. Tom Jones) 8:09
10. Art Of Love 8:09


Released in a thick jewel case. Includes a 4-page leaflet.

The track-names, remix credits and durations are not all correct or complete on this release.
Look for info the site; theartofnoiseonline

Track info on release;
There are no production credits on this release.
1-02 + 2-02 Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens are not credited for Yebo!

Track names on release;
1-08 Dragnet '88 is also known as Dragnet (Art of Noise '88 7" Mix).

2-02 Yebo! (Mbaqanga Mix) is listed as Yebo
2-03 Instruments Of Lightness (The Sequel) (The S1000 "Life Beyond Transformation" Mix) as Instruments Of Lightness (The Life Beyond Transformation Mix)
2-05 Peter Gunn (The Twang Mix) as Peter Gunn
2-06 Paranoimia (Extended Version) as Paranoimia
2-07 Legacy (Extended Version) as Legs
2-08 Dragnet '88 (12" Mix) as Dragnet '88
2-09 Kiss (AON Mix) as Kiss
2-10 Art Of Love (Extended Mix) as Art Of Love

2-02 Yebo! (Mbaqanga Mix) is a slightly longer version than the previously released on 12" and Compact Disc single
2-03 Instruments Of Lightness (The Sequel) (The S1000 "Life Beyond Transformation" Mix) was originally released as Instruments Of Darkness (All Of Us Are One People) (The Life Beyond Transformation Mix by S1000) on the 12" promo Instruments Of Darkness (All Of Us Are One People) (DJWOKTR 2012)The Art Of Noise - Instruments Of Darkness (All Of Us Are One People)
2-08 Dragnet '88 (12" Mix) is also known as Dragnet (Art of Noise '88 12" Mix)
2-09 Kiss (AON Mix) as Kiss (The Art of Noise Remix) or Kiss (The Art of Noise Mix).

1-08 and 2-08 are marked "From The Motion Picture".
2-01 and 2-04 are the versions from the remixed compilation "The Ambient Collection".
2-02 is mastered slightly slower than the same mix on other releases.
2-03 fades in instead of having a cold start.
2-05 the first few seconds are segued with sound effects from the end of the previous song.

Typo on disc face; BIEMA instead of BIEM

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