The Alan Parsons Project Best Of
CD, 1999, Best-Of

Herstellungsland Deutschland
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1999
Zeit 62:54
EAN-Nr. 743216600328
Label/Labelcode ARISTA / LC 03484
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. BMG France / 74321 66003-2
Musikrichtung Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
2 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 62:54  
1. Don't Answer Me 4:11
2. Eye In The Sky 4:33
3. I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You 3:14
4. Games People Play 4:20
5. Time 5:01
6. Pyramania 2:46
7. Lucifer 4:11 I
8. Psychobabble 4:52
9. Old And Wise 4:09
10. Mammagamma 3:36 I
11. I Robot 6:02 I
12. Sirius 1:55 I
13. Prime Time 5:02
14. Let's Talk About Me 4:28
15. Too Late 4:34


All songs composed and written by Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson
Produced and Engineered by Alan Parsons
Executive producer: Eric Woolfson
All songs Ed. Woolfsongs Ltd/Careers Music Inc., Except #11: Ed. Woolfsongs Ltd

Compilation: (P)&(C) 1999 BMG France
Distributed by the local BMG Company. A unit of BMG Entertainment
Coverdesign: Objectif Lune

Druckfehler bei Track 6: Backcover, CD-Label und Booklet mit Schreibweise "Pyromania".

Track 1
(P)1984 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Ammonia Avenue. Lead Vocal: Colin Blunstone

Track 2
(P)1983 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eye In The Sky. Lead Vocal: Eric Woolfson

Track 3
(P)1977 Arista Records Inc.
From the album I Robot. Lead Vocal: Lenny Zakatek

Track 4
(P)1980 Arista Records Inc.
From the album The Turn Of A Friendly Card. Lead Vocal: Lenny Zakatek

Track 5
(P)1980 Arista Records Inc.
From the album The Turn Of A Friendly Card. Lead Vocal: Eric Woolfson

Track 6
(P)19879 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Pyramid. Lead Vocal: Jack Harris

Track 7
(P)1979 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eve.

Track 8
(P)1983 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eye In The Sky. Lead Vocal: Elmer Gantry

Track 9
(P)1983 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eye In The Sky. Lead Vocal: Colin Blunstone

Track 10
(P)1983 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eye In The Sky.

Track 11
(P)1977 Arista Records Inc.
From the album I Robot.

Track 12
(P)1983 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Eye In The Sky.

Track 13
(P)1984 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Ammonia Avenue. Lead Vocal: Eric Woolfson

Track 14
(P)1984 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Vulture Culture. Lead Vocal: David Paton

Track 15
(P)1987 Arista Records Inc.
From the album Gaudi. Lead Vocal: Lenny Zakatek

1, Cover
2, Rückseite Booklet
3. Backcover
4. Ansicht CD

[Herstellungsland: Angabe SID-Code Presswerk; Aufdruck CD-Label und Backcover abweichend: "Made in the E.U."]
[Tracklängen: Angabe Backcover]
[SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 07** (innen)]
[SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L024 (außen)]
[Matrix: SONOPRESS (Logo); Z-1892/4321660032 A - Barcode]
[Booklet: 4-seitig, gefaltet, Trackliste, Angaben zu Tracks, Künstlern und Produktion]

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