Terrorizer 254 - Fear Candy 138
CD, 2014, Heftbeilage, Cardsleeve

Herstellungsland Italien
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2014
Zeit 74:46
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Terrorizer / FC138
Musikrichtung Metal: Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Progressive Metal, Sludge, Thrash Metal
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 74:46  
1. Exodus Blood In Blood Out 3:43
2. Obituary Inked In Blood 4:14
3. Viathyn Cynosure 9:37
4. Fury Britannia 7:11
5. Akem Manah The Twisted Rites Of Satan's Bride 8:02
6. Karbonsoul Decadent Empire 5:13
7. Dead Samaritan Out With Your Feet First 2:41
8. Motherfaster The Nymph And The God 4:29
9. Ascaris Debt Of Sacrifice 3:44
10. Crashgate Whiskey Makes Me Frisky 3:37
11. Reign Of Perdition Fractured Reflections 6:36
12. Bloodyard Molest The Flesh 3:19
13. Jonestown Cut Throat Lane 3:28
14. The Five Hundred Winters 4:42
15. Warcrab Ashes Of Carnage 4:10


presented with Terrorizer magazine #254 - November 2014

[manufacturing country: SID-codes]
[SID-code CD-master: IFPI LN12]
[SID-code pressing plant: nonexistent]
[matrix: || 16189-FC 138 ||]
[playing times: software]

On This Month's Fear Candy
Winter is coming, but fear not;
here are fifteen tracks of extreme metal goodness to help you get over the fact that summer is over

CD compiled by Miranda Yardley
Artwork by Ken Coleman (www.artofkencoleman.com)

'Blood In Blood Out' taken from the Nuclear Blast album 'Blood In Blood Out'

Showing they still thrash as fast and as heavy as ever, almost 35 years into their career this title track from Exodu's tenth album heralds the return of Steve 'Zetro' Souza on quick-fire staccato vocals.

'Inked In Blood' taken from the Relapse album 'Inked In Blood'

Obituary is, of course, thirty years old itself this year, and 'Inked In Blood' is of course the title track from the band's ninth album.

'Cynosure' taken from the self-released album 'Cynosure'

Calgary's Viathyn are a glorious, fist-waving progressive power metal band. Their second album, 'Cynosure', is a concept album exploring the natural (and unnatural) world through the eyes of nine different storytellers…

'Britannia' taken from the self-released album 'The Lightning Dream'

These metalheads from Worcester mix NWOBHM and thrash to produce an authentically 1980s sound. Turn that stereo up, crack open a can of beer and enjoy…

5. Akem Manah
'The Twisted Rites of Satan's Bride' taken from the Freak Metal album 'Demons Of The Sabbat'

Having lulled you into a false sense of security, the tolling bell that heralds the beginning of 'The Twisted Rites of Satan's Bride' gives way to dark, doomy sacramental horror. Dare you to listen it with the lights off?

'Decadent Empire' taken from the Fatsound Productions EP '3Logy'

Mixing up blackened death metal with a touch of doom, Portuguese four-piece Karbonsoul's 'Decadent Empire' boasts savage vocals and a catchy hook.

'Out With Your Feet First' taken from the self-released album 'The Devil Tunes'

Finland's Dead Samaritan mix up death and thrash metal. Having been around for over a dozen years and now on their second album, the infectious riffs on this track will get your feet tapping and head banging.

'The Nymph And The God' taken from the self-released album 'Motherfaster'

Bad boys from Athens Motherfaster have "dirty music, dirty stories, dirty minds" as well as driving bass, fast guitar riffs and vocals that sound like an upbeat Ozzy. What more could you want?

'Debt Of Sacrifice' taken from the self-released EP 'Initiation'

Having just toured with Diabolical and Svart Crown, these blackened death metallers from the South West have only been around a couple of years but show bags of promise based on this debut EP.

'Whiskey Makes Me Frisky' taken from the self-released album 'Crude Jokes, Death Notes & Unicorns'

These naughty boys from Kent make their intentions very, very clear with this filthy yet catchy, hard and heavy rock'n'roll.

'Fractured Reflections' taken from the self-released EP 'Fractured Reflections'

Opening with some pastoral acoustic guitar, and illusions you would have about this turning into a gentle song about the rolling hills of Somerset are quickly buried when Reign Of Perdition burst into fast and heavy blackened death metal!

'Molest The Flesh' taken from the self-released EP 'Set To Fall'

Lancaster's Bloodyard make fast-paced groove metal with brutal breakdowns and acidic vocals reminiscent of Lamb Of God and Pantera.

'Cut Throat Lane' taken from the self-released single 'Cut Throat Lane'

Brighton's Jonestown mix bellicose hardcore and churning, dissonant guitars and bass with tasteful melodies to produce the angry yet honest sound of a generation disappointed by the unfulfilled dreams sold to us by television.

'Winters' taken from the self-released single 'Winters'

The band formally known as DAOR, the downtuned riffs and barbed hooks combine in an avalanche of groove and aggression carried by the most haunting vocal melodies.

'Ashes Of Carnage' taken from the self-released album 'Ashes Of Carnage'

Having just played the New Blood Stage at Bloodstock, Plymoth six-piece Warcrab combine black, death and doom metal into a crushing mixture.

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