Talking About... My Generation
CD, 1995, Heftbeilage

Herstellungsland Tschechische Republik
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1995
Zeit 61:21
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Pop Rock / 2128 2041-P &R 1
Musikrichtung Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 61:21  
1. Joni Mitchell Woodstock 5:18
2. The Flower Pot Men Let's Go To San Francisco [Re-Recorded] 3:29
3. The Animals San Franciscan Nights [Re-Recorded] 3:17
4. Joni Mitchell Bib Yellow Taxi 2:12
5. James Taylor Rainy Day Man 3:02
6. Eric Clapton Too Much Monkey Business 2:55 L C
7. Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit 2:04 L
8. Grateful Dead Here Comes Sunshine 3:11
9. Crosby & Nash Carry Me 3:29
10. The 5th Dimension Goin' Out Of My Head 3:42 L C
11. Eric Clapton I Wish You Would 2:16 L C
12. Joni Mitchell Ladies Of The Canyon 3:27
13. Jefferson Airplane My Best Friend 2:25 L
14. The 5th Dimension Monday Monday 2:35 L C
15. Johnny Winter Parchman Farm 2:41 C
16. Jimi Hendrix Hot Trigger 3:53 I
17. Canned Heat Spoonful 2:30 C
18. The Beach Boys Surfin' Safari 1:56
19. Crosby & Nash Take The Money And Run 3:17
20. The Animals We Gotta Get Out Of This Place [Re-Recorded] 3:42


Ποπ + Ροκ | ΠΟΠ ΡΟΚ (Magazine) | DOWN TOWN | STAR Channel | OPEN YOUR EYES DOWN TOWN The D.T. Generation shoes | DOWN TOWN The D.T. Generation shoes // C+P Selected Sound Carrier AG Switzerland

matrix: GZ H21212 2128.2041.2
CD Face: talking about... My Generation
spine: My Generation

C+P Selected Sound Carrier AG (K Point Gold / Selected Sound Carrier AG / K + P Music AG : Label from Switzerland.)

02 - [Hawker] Shakespeare John Nichola / APRS American, 3:29

06 / 11 - Eric Clapton & the Yardbirds
- early Eric Clapton with The Yardbirds
media/474298 / AMG:
'A bunch of early Eric Clapton recordings are circulated endlessly through budget-line collections, primarily consisting of live Yardbirds cuts and a live 1965 jam session credited to the Immediate All-Stars and featuring Jimmy Page, Bill Wyman, Mick Jagger, and Ian Stewart. These show up again on Strictly the Blues, along with three tracks he cut with John Mayall (none from the Bluesbreakers album) and a handful of cuts that Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page did with the Immediate All-Stars (separately, not together), and the difference here is that this is not a budget-line release; everything is presented coherently and with annotation and pretty good sound. So for hardcore Clapton fans who have to hear everything he did, this is the choice among the plethora of comps to get this early, mildly interesting marginalia.'
AMG: 3CDs 'Eric Clapton - Great' (2000-Red X)
'The somewhat misleadingly-named Great Eric Clapton & the Yardbirds gathers three discs' worth of the Yardbirds' output, including highlights from Clapton's and Jeff Beck's stints with the band. The set features obvious choices like "For Your Love," "Evil Hearted You," "Heart Full of Soul," "Train Kept A-Rollin'" and "Shapes of Things" as well as plenty of their earlier, blues-based material and later album tracks. As it stands, even though it offers worthwhile music, this collection serves neither the Yardbirds nor Eric Clapton particularly well.'
(CD1 Yardbirds with Eric Clapton / CD2 Beck disc: Yardbirds with Jeff Beck)

16 - Hermon Hitson recording
- first released on 1973 bootleg album from Pickwick Records titled "Jimi"
The song appears to have had two different names depending on which record it appears on: Hot Trigger / Suspicious
from 1960s "Free Spirit" NYC Sessions / made for New York producer Johnny Brantley
Players: Hermon Hitson on Guitars, Lee Moses on Keys, Alonzo "Yogie" Taylor on Bass, and Eddie Maxey on drums.

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