Sufjan Stevens The Avalanche: Outtakes And Extras From The Illinois Album!
CD, 2006

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2006
Zeit 75:46
EAN-Nr. 656605830223
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Asthmatic Kitty / AKR 022
Musikrichtung Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
2 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 75:46  
1. The Avalanche 3:14
2. Dear Mr. Supercomputer 4:20
3. Adlai Stevenson 2:34
4. The Vivian Girls Are Visited in the Night by Saint Dargarius and His Squadron of Benevolent Butterflies 1:49
5. Chicago (acoustic version) 4:40
6. The Henney Buggy Band 3:16
7. Saul Bellow 2:53
8. Carlyle Lake 3:15
9. Springfield, or Bobby Got a Shadfly Caught in His Hair 4:17
10. The Mistress Witch from McClure (or, The Mind That Knows Itself) 3:24
11. Kaskaskia River 2:15
12. Chicago (adult contemporary easy listening version) 6:06
13. Inaugural Pop Music for Jane Margaret Byrne 1:25
14. No Man's Land 4:45
15. The Palm Sunday Tornado Hits Crystal Lake 1:38
16. The Pick-up 3:23
17. The Perpetual Self, or "What Would Saul Alinsky Do?" 2:24
18. For Clyde Tombaugh 3:43
19. Chicago (multiple personality disorder version) 4:35
20. Pittsfield 6:51
21. The Undivided Self (For Eppie and Popo) 4:59


(logo): Asthmatic Kitty // (c)/(p) 2006 Asthmatic Kitty Records



released July 11, 2006 Asthmatic Kitty

Singer/Songwriter, Indie Pop, Chamber Pop, Indie Folk
- Indie folk, indie pop, baroque pop

Sufjan Stevens – acoustic guitar, piano, Wurlitzer, bass guitar, drums, electric guitar, oboe, alto saxophone, flute, banjo, glockenspiel, accordion, vibraphone, alto recorder, Casiotone MT-70, sleigh bells, shaker, tambourine, triangle, electronic organ, vocals

- backing vocals by Katrina Kerns (tracks: 1, 2, 8 to 10, 12, 14)
- backing vocals by Rosie Thomas (tracks: 3, 5 to 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20)

- backing vocals by Shara Worden [Member of My Brightest Diamond] (tracks: 1, 2, 8, 12)

- Trumpet by Craig Montoro [Member of: Takka Takka] (tracks: 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20) & backing vocals (track 19)

- Drums by James McAlister (tracks: 2, 6, 9, 12 to 14, 19)

"Chicago" originally appeared on the Illinois album (2005)

Thematic elements:

01 - "The Avalanche"
Illinois, "my home"
Chevrolet Avalanche
Ohio River
Mississippi River

02 - "Dear Mr. Supercomputer"
Supercomputers housed at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Secular humanism and God Is Dead
Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation

03 - "Adlai Stevenson"
Adlai Stevenson, former United States ambassador to the United Nations and governor of Illinois
United States presidential election, 1952
Stevenson's accidental shooting death of a playmate, Ruth Merwin, as a young child

04 - "The Vivian Girls..."
Henry Darger's 15-volume outsider art manuscript The Story of the Vivian Girls

05 - "Chicago" (Acoustic Version)
Chicago, Illinois
New York City, New York

06 - "The Henney Buggy Band"
Henney Buggy Company, an automobile manufacturer from Freeport, Illinois
Ronald Reagan Tollway
Bloomington, Illinois

07 - "Saul Bellow"
Saul Bellow
Lake Michigan, which borders Illinois

08 - "Carlyle Lake"
Carlyle Lake, a man-made lake in Carlyle, Illinois

09 - "Springfield, or Bobby..."
Shadfly, a colloquial name for the mayfly
State capitol Springfield, Illinois
"Capitol Air," or Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport in Springfield, Illinois

10 - "The Mistress..."
McClure in Alexander County

11 - "Kaskaskia River"
Kaskaskia River

12 - "Chicago" (Adult Contemporary Easy Listening Version)
Adult contemporary and easy listening music genres

13 - "Inaugural Pop Music for Jane Margaret Byrne"
Pop music
Jane Byrne, former mayor of Chicago

14 - "No Man's Land"
No man's land, although there is none currently in Illinois
O'Hare International Airport
Jo Daviess County, Illinois
Moline, Illinois
Panola, Illinois
St. Charles, Illinois
Danville, Illinois
Macon County, Illinois
Mississippi River
Woody Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land"

15 - "The Palm Sunday Tornado Hits Crystal Lake"
Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1965
Crystal Lake, Illinois

16 - "The Pick-Up"
Pickup trucks
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln

17 - "The Perpetual Self, or ..."
Saul Alinsky

18 - "For Clyde Tombaugh"
Clyde Tombaugh

19 - "Chicago" (Multiple Personality Disorder Version)
Dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personality disorder

20 - "Pittsfield"
Pittsfield, Illinois
Gulf War

21 - "The Undivided Self (For Eppie and Popo)"
Identical twin sisters Ann "Eppie" Landers (born Esther Pauline Friedman Lederer) and Abigail "Popo" Van Buren (pen name of Pauline Phillips for the advice column Dear Abby)
The Undivided Self (ISBN 0-87784-842-4)

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