Stackridge Anyone For Tennis? - Sound & Vision
CD + DVD, 2008, Compilation

Herstellungsland Großbritannien
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2008
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. 5055011702714
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Angel Air / SJPCD271
Musikrichtung Rock: Folk Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. Lummy Days
2. Syracuse The Elephant
3. Dangerous Bacon
4. The Galloping Gaucho
5. Anyone For Tennis?
6. Friendliness
7. The Road To Venezuela
8. Coniston Waters
9. Fundamentally Yours
10. The Last Plimsoll
11. Do The Stanley
12. Dora The Female Explorer
13. Humiliation
14. Fish In A Glass
15. Purple Spaceships Over Yatton
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. Fundamentally Yours
2. Dangerous Bacon
3. Grooving Along The Highway On A Monday Morning Once
4. The Volunteer
5. Syracuse The Elephant
6. Anyone For Tennis?
7. Wonderful Day
8. Ruth Did You Read My Mind?
9. Friendliness
10. Dancing On Air
11. Fish In A Glass
12. Lummy Days
13. If I Had You
14. Teatime
15. Happy In The Lord
16. Help Under Doors
17. Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime
18. The Road To Venezuela
19. Can Inspiration Save The Nation?
20. The Galloping Gaucho
21. The Last Plimsoll
22. Something About The Beatles
23. Slark
24. Do The Stanley
25. Dora The Female Explorer
26. Interviews With Warren, Davis, Slater & Walter History Of Stackridge By Michael Heatley


STACKRIDGE are held dear by fans all over the world for their irreverent, idiosyncratic attitude and musical eclecticism. The band was formed in 1969 when JAMES WARREN defected from local Bristol band DAWN to join ANDY DAVIS and CRUN WALTER. Their debut album was released in 1971 and some 7 albums in total were released over the next three decades from which all of the tracks on the CD are drawn except the track "Purple Spaceships" which has been recently revisited for this release. Disc 2 (DVD) is a sold out concert filmed in 2007 at Rondo Theatre, Bath, England attended by a capacity audience with MUTTER SLATER commanding audience attention and participation. Band members: James Warren, Andy Davis, Mutter Slater, Crun Walter, Michael Evans, Billy Sparkle, Rod Bowkett, Keith Gemmell, Roy Morgan, Paul Karas, Glenn Tommey, Nigel Newton, Rachel Hall, Sarah Mitchell and Andy Marsden. Issued in 2008, this CD/DVD set presents many of the finest tunes by the U.K. prog-pop ensemble Stackridge. In addition to the jaunty title track, ANYONE FOR TENNIS? features the light, lilting "Lummy Days" and the mini-epic "Syracuse the Elephant." Led by James Warren, later of the Korgis, the group is sure to entertain fans of quirky British pop, and TENNIS is an excellent introduction. Stackridge: Sarah Mitchell, Billy Sparkle, Roy Morgan, Paul Karas, Rachel Hall, Nigel Newton, Keith Gemmill, Glenn Tommey, Mutter Slater, James Warren, Michael Evans, Andy Davis , Rod Bowkett.

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