Songs For Summer
CD, 2000

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2000
Zeit 61:49
EAN-Nr. 790058695920
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Oglio / OGL86959-2
Musikrichtung Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 61:49  
1. Ben Folds Five "Where's Summer B?" 4:07
2. Jason Falkner Song For Her 2:38
3. Soul Coughing True Dreams Of Wichita 5:36 L
4. The Jazz Butcher Indian Summer 5:16 C
5. The Posies Brief Candles 3:37 C
6. Babacar Midsummer 4:08
7. Neutral Milk Hotel In The Aeroplane Over The Sea 3:23
8. Squirrel Nut Zippers All Along The Frying Pan 3:48
9. The Frank And Walters Funky Cold Medina 2:46 C
10. Beasley Summer 3:27
11. Pansy Division The Summer You Let Your Hair Grow Out 2:28 L
12. The B-52's Summer Of Love 4:03
13. Sandycoates After The Beach 3:10
14. G. Love Rhyme For The Summertime (Orginal Demo) 4:18
15. Jonathan Richman That Summer Feeling 6:25
16. Unbekannt [Untitled] 2:39 H


(c)+(p) Summer's House of Cookie Records San Diego / released March 21, 2000

alt-rock artists in tribute and honor of Summer Brannin, a 21-year old kidney cancer victim from San Diego who passed away in 1999. This album was created by her boyfriend Adam Gimbel, and with his friend Adam, he thought of creating a charity in memory of Summer. All of the artists on the album were favorites of hers and everyone appearing on the record is donating 100% of their normal payments and royalties.
1 - What song is more fitting to open the album than a song that practically invokes the name of Summer Brannin?

2 - A previously unreleased song that Jason sang at Summer's Celebration of Life.

3 - fun live take previously only available on a rare promo single.

4 - Summer's favorite singer turns in the only song recorded just for the record, a funky cover of a Beat Happening classic

5 - Seattle's finest cover another of Summer's favorite groups, The Zombies.

6 - Summer's favorite song with her name in it was "Summerflies" by the wonderful British group Shelleyan Orphan. Singer Carolyn Crawley's new group offers us another wonderful summer song.

7 - Summer's last favorite group, who dedicated a song to her in concert just before she passed away.

8 - A haunting unreleased live track from one of the band's earliest shows.

9 - One of Summer's favorite singalongs: a classic rap track sung by white Irishmen carrying guitars, previously only available on an out-of-print UK single

10 - Friends of Summer make up this southern California group who wrote this song especially for her.

11 - A unreleased live version from a hometown show recorded in San Francisco, Summer's favorite city

12 - A fun summersong from Summer's childhood
- The B-52's aka The B-52s

13 - A Bay Area friend performs possibly the prettiest song ever.

14 - G Love's original unreleased solo demo of the first hip-hop blues tune he ever wrote.

15 - Achingly beautiful song by the wonderful singer who sang a song for Summer while she was in the hospital.

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