PROG 82 - P59: Dressed In Kingly Guise
CD, 2017, Heftbeilage, Cardsleeve

Herstellungsland Polen
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2017
Zeit 70:31
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Prog Magazine / ROP82CD-12-17
Musikrichtung Rock: Progressive Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 70:31  
1. Von Hertzen Brothers The Arsonist 3:54
2. Galactic Cowboys Internal Masquerade 3:18
3. Kyros Ego 5:05
4. Surgecore Divided Population 4:31
5. Lifesigns Cardington 10:38
6. Bram Stoker Archives Lunacillius Maximus 5:03
7. Gentle Knife Smother 8:50
8. Start Point The Bride Wore Black 11:25
9. Chaometry Mental Projection 6:21
10. The Mighty Handful Vital Signs 5:03
11. Zeelley Moon See Me Fly (Weight Of The World) 6:23


Astounding Sounds - Amazing Music

PROG Magazine / PROG issue 82 December 2017

[SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 9R**]
[SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LK97]
[Matrix-Nr. 2100007262062 ROP82softwarelogistics]

Zeiten: Software

Over an hour of the hottest prog sounds around today, hand-picked for you with Prog's warmest compliments. Enjoy ...

01 VON HERTZEN BROTHERS - The Arsonist Finland’s family trio have been smashing out energetic, guitar-driven and vocal harmony-lavished prog rock like it’s second nature for nearly 20 years now. It’s no surprise then that The Arsonist is a fiery, uptempo number.
Taken from War Is Over

02 GALACTIC COWBOYS - Internal Masquerade The Texan proggers return with their original line-up and first material since 2000's Let It Go. Keen to show how they’ve developed as musicians in the interim, on Internal Masquerade they merge their grinding attack with a lofty, cosmic chorus.
Taken from Long Way Back To The Moon

03 KYROS - Ego In a mere five minutes, Kyros cram a load of progressive elements into their music. From time signature shifts, Porcupine Tree twists, laser-like synths, alluring melodicism and epic orchestration, they leave no stone unturned. Are you not entertained?
Taken from Vox Humana

04 SURGECORE - Divided Population “What proof do we have that life started on Earth?” That’s the question that haunts this electronic blend of sounds and textures. Taken from a conceptual album by multiinstrumentalist Matt Flood, this track has you echoing that ominous question.
Taken from Terraformation VoI 1

05 LIFESIGNS - Cardington Despite all their forward-thinking musical ideas, it's the desire to make their complexity hardly noticeable that drives Lifesigns’ music. Here they serve up a song, peppered with swelling keyboard, that's trickier than its commercial visage lets on.
Taken from Cardington

06 BRAM STOKER ARCHIVES - Lunacillius Maximus When Bram Stoker split in 1972, they left a mountain of unrecorded material behind. Now, 13 years on from the start of a resurrection job, guitarist Pete Ballam has given their songs a vibrant yet gothic and ultimately authentic reimagining.
Taken from Manic Machine

07 GENTLE KNIFE - Smother With a humble 11 members, 0lso’s Gentle Knife, while hinged on Veronika Hørven Jensen’s entrancing vocals, boast lots of musical treats. From punchy sax to jazzy organ, there’s something freeing about this song’s broad arrangement.
Taken from Clock Unwound

08 START POlNT - The Bride Wore Black Devon duo Nigel Smith and Andy Taylor define their debut album, Sea Of Treason, as both pop-rock and progressive. With a reverb-soaked piano, this near 12-minute track builds to a crescendo somewhere between Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel.
Taken from Sea Of Treason

09 CHAOMETRY- Mental Projection Chaometry: the symbiosis of chaos and meter. It’s a name that does exactly what it says on the tin. Expect a mixture of John Petrucci-esque guitars and heavy-handed drums, bolstered by sturdy yet meandering bass and turbulent keyboard tones.
Taken from Mental Projection

10 THE MIGHTY HANDFUL - Vital Signs What do you do when your best friend dies? Still Sitting In Danny’s Car is the reaction from these Londoners, who include a barbershop singer and the music producer of Strictly Come Dancing in their ranks. Vital Signs is an emotive, explorative and evocative slice from that record.
Taken from Still Sitting In Danny’s Car

11 ZEELLEY MOON - See Me Fly (Weight Of The World) Taking the smoky melancholia of the blues and stretching it into longer, more expansive dreamscapes, See Me Fly (Weight Of The World) is a track that engulfs you in its wake. Fire it up and get swept away too - we guarantee you won’t regret it.
Taken from Zeelley Moon

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