Par Avion - Global Indie Clubpop!
CD, 2003

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2003
Zeit 43:22
EAN-Nr. 692560001124
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Eenie Meenie / EM-011
Musikrichtung Pop: Synth Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 43:22  
1. YLK Organisation Happiness 3:04
2. Stereo Total Hey Protest 2:47
3. Galactica Electronica 3:31
4. Figurine Impossible 4:11
5. Majestic Nyra And Michelle (Jai Alai Remix) 4:15
6. Eel-Fille Unique Homme Sympathique (Tres Charmant) 2:37
7. The Pancakes Rock Guitar 3:15
8. Stars Elevator Love Letter 4:03
9. I Am The World Trade Center Dancing Alone 3:22
10. The Raymakers Unending Capacity [Feat. Lily Marlene] 4:19
11. Seksu Roba To Go Or Not To Go 4:17
12. Vau Sharri Machine 3:41


Electropop, Twee Pop, Synth Pop

Club Avion -- Global Indie Clubpop / PopMatters:

the underground dance scene is a strange place. So many genres and sub-genres exist, that I'd never get to talk about the album at hand in my efforts to rattle off all the categories of dance music. So, this time around, Eenie Meenie Records is releasing Par Avion Global Indie Clubpop, a collection of songs from some of the most talented artists in underground Indiepop and Clubpop. Brought to you by party-hosts, Club Par Avion, this compilation features tracks from I Am the World Trade Center and Majestic as well as songs from international stars like Montreal's Stars and London's Vau Sharri. A few tracks border on the absurd with beats, blips, and voices that will infiltrate your brain until the urge to break the CD trumps your patience. Aside from those few, though, this collection provides almost an our of head-bopping, rump-shaking amusement.

2003, eenie meenie:
'Booming out of woofers from dark glittery dance floors, Par Avion showcases sensational underground pop music from around the world. This international compilation of dance floor hits includes the likes of Stereo Total from Germany, YLK Organisation from Hong Kong, Majestic from Los Angeles, and Galactica from Spain'

5.: Majestic aka Majestic 12, MJ 12 formed 1994, Fullerton, CA
Members: Steve Berrett (bass, harmonies), Peter Quinnel (drums, guitars), Scott Schultz (vocals, percussion, Theremin), Sarah Windes (vocals), Ruth Schultz (harmonies), Jana Wittren (vocals, 1995-97) [Member of: The Arrogants, Majestic]

10.: Lily Marlene/Member of: The Grown-Ups

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