Outlaw Blues, Murder Ballads & Prison Songs
CD, 2008, Heftbeilage

Herstellungsland Frankreich
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2008
Zeit 49:59
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Uncut / UNCUT 2009 02
Musikrichtung Blues
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
4 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 49:59  
1. Johnny Cash Folsom Prison Blues 2:50
2. Dave Alvin Blue Wing 3:44 C
3. Big Maceo Merriweather Country Jail 2:54
4. Bo Diddley Cops And Robbers 3:27 C
5. Mississippi John Hurt Frankie 3:26 C
6. Baskery Haunt You 3:27
7. Woody Guthrie Billy The Kid 2:03 C
8. Charlie Louvin The Little Grave In Georgia 3:56 C
9. Cowboy Copas Hangman's Boogie 2:30
10. Bob Frank & John Murray Joaquin Murietta, 1853 4:13
11. Frank Hutchison Stackalee 2:59 C
12. Sam Amidon Wild Bill Jones 5:27 C
13. Julius Daniels 99 Year Blues 3:06
14. The Handsome Family My Beautiful Bride 3:17
15. Bukka White Parchman Farm Blues 2:40


UNCUT | UNCUT 2009 02 | UNCUT TAKE 141 February 2009 | UNCUT Presents | PRODUCT OF UNCUT | RESPECT The Value Of MUSIC // (c)/(p) 2009 Uncut / Ignite! IPC Media Ltd.

Blues, Country

01 - recorded 1955
- single 'Johnny Cash and Tennessee Two - Folsom Prison Blues / So Doggone Lonesome' released December 15, 1955 Sun / 232

02 - Tom Russell cover
- taken from the Hightone Records album, "Dave Alvin: The Best Of The Hightone Years"

03 - recorded June 24, 1941, Chicago, Illinois
- BIG MACEO Merriweather born March 31, 1905, Atlanta, GA (born Major Merriweather (or Merewether)) // died February 26, 1953 Chicago, IL

04 - Cross Music Ltd. ℗ 1965 Checker 850
- 1956 song by Kent Harris aka "Boogaloo And His Gallant Crew" and made popular by Bo Diddley

05 - recorded February 24, 1928, Memphis, Tennessee
"Frankie and Johnny": Murder ballad / Traditional ((Copyright as "He Done Me Wrong" by Hughie Cannon)) Published 1904
"Frankie and Johnny" (sometimes spelled "Frankie and Johnnie"; also known as "Frankie and Albert" or just "Frankie") is a traditional American popular song.
DESCRIPTION: It tells the story of a woman, Frankie, who finds that her man Johnny was making love to another woman and shoots him dead. Frankie is then arrested; in some versions of the song she is also executed.
In 1899, popular St Louis balladeer Bill Dooley composed "Frankie Killed Allen" shortly after the Baker murder case. The first published version of the music to "Frankie and Johnny" appeared in 1904, credited to and copyrighted by Hughie Cannon, the composer of "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey"; the piece, a variant version of whose melody is sung today, was titled "He Done Me Wrong" and subtitled "Death of Bill Bailey.
Gene Autry, "Frankie and Johnny" (OKeh 45417, 1930) (Velvet Tone 7063-V/Clarion 5026-C, 1930)
Emry Arthur, "Frankie Baker, pts. 1 & 2" (Vocalion 5340, 1929)
Al Bernard, "Frankie and Johnny" (Brunswick 2107, 1921)
James Burke, "Frankie and Johnnie" (Superior 2590, 1931)
Frank Crumit, "Frankie and Johnnie" (Victor 20715, 1927)
[Tom] Darby & [Jimmy] Tarlton, "Frankie Dean" (Columbia 15701-D, c. 1931; rec. 1930)
Slim Dusty, "Frankie and Johnny" (Regal Zonophone [Australia] G25403, n.d.)
Dykes Magic City Trio, "Frankie" (Brunswick 127/Vocalion 5143, 1927; on RoughWays1)
Louise Foreacre, "Frankie was a Good Girl" (on Stonemans01)
Roscoe Holcomb, "Frankie and Johnny" (on Holcomb2)
Mississippi John Hurt, "Frankie" (OKeh 8560, 1928; on AAFM1, RoughWays2)
Billy Jones, "Frankie and Johnny" (Edison 52284, 1928)

06 - (p)/(c) 2008 Veranda Independent Records. Taken from the Glitterhouse album, "Fall Among Thieves"

07 - recorded 1945
- Rev. Andrew Jenkins cover

08 - taken from the Tompkins Square album, "Charlie Louvin Sings Murder Ballads And Disaster Songs"

09 - composed by Larry Cassidy
- 'Cowboy Copas' 10" "Blue Pacific Waltz / Hangman's Boogie" released October 1949 (KING / 811)

10 - taken from the Décor Records album, "World Without End"

11 - recorded 1927
- "Stagger Lee", aka "Stagolee", "Stackerlee", "Stack O'Lee", "Stack-a-Lee", "Stackalee" and several other variants
- blues folk song based on the murder of William "Billy" Lyons by Stagger Lee Shelton. The version recorded by Mississippi John Hurt in 1928 is considered by some commentators to be definitive, containing as it does all of the elements that appear in other versions.
- The first published version of the song was by folklorist John Lomax in 1910.
- Frank Hutchison - Stackalee (Okeh 45106 / recording date January 28, 1927)

12 - taken from the Bedroom Community album, "All Is Well"

13 - recorded February 19, 1927, Richmond, Indiana

14 - taken from the Loose Records album, "In The Air"

15 - recorded March 7, 1940, Chicago, Illinois

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