Metal Hammer 300: Basick Records Vs Holy Roar
CD, 2017, Heftbeilage, Cardsleeve

Herstellungsland Polen
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2017
Zeit 47:59
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Metal Hammer / MHR300-10-17
Musikrichtung Metal
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 47:59  
1. Damned Spring Fragrantia Float 3:35
2. Sleep Token Calcutta 6:56
3. Harbinger The End Of Time 3:21
4. Neck Of The Woods Bottom Feeder 3:52
5. Canvas Low 3:21
6. Fall Of Messiah Rust 3:49
7. Watchcries Daymares / The Sleep Of Trust 4:44
8. Haast's Eagled White Dwarf 12:36
9. Helpless Out Of Commission 1:59
10. Idylls No Virility 3:46


Issued with Metal Hammer 300 (OCTOBER 2017)

[manufacturing country: SID-codes => TAKT Sp. z.o.o.]
[differing inscription manufacturing country on CD-label => 'MADE IN THE EU']

[SID-code CD-master: IFPI LK97]
[SID-code pressing plant: IFPI UU**]
[matrix: 2100007041339 * MHR300softwarelogistics * bar code]

[playing times: software]

Basick Records and Holy Roar duke it out to the Death!

Savagely intense tech metal from Parma, Italy. Heavy shit, tailor-made for the pit. Watch out for the ‘bleh!’.

02 SLEEP TOKEN - Calcutta
Progressive beauty. But who is the mysterious Sleep Token? If you find out, let us know. We’ve been trying to work it out for weeks.

03 HARBINGER - The End Of Time
Bruising beatdowns from the capital, bringing harsh lessons about what we’re doing to our planet. You can’t say no one warned you…

04 NECK OF THE WOODS - Bottom Feeder
Propulsive, progressive death metal with hardcore vocals, all the way from Vancouver. A confrontational force of nature.

05 CANVAS - Low
Noisy post-hardcore with darkly confessional lyrics. Like opening a diary and being sucked inside its well-worn pages.

Shimmering French post-rock, with an undulating thread of despair that weaves around your synapses.

07 WATCHCRIES - Daymares / The Sleep Of Trust
An inflammatory fusion of metal, hardcore and punk that rumbles along like a bad dream that just won’t quit.

08 HAAST'S EAGLED - White Dwarf
A meandering odyssey that begins with monastic chants, wraps you in darkness and builds to doomy crescendos. Let it wash freely over your mind.

09 HELPLESS - Out Of Commission
Two minutes of unholy noise from Plymouth that will knock your ears into next Tuesday. You could say they’d be out of commission...

10 IDYLLS - No Virility
A dissonant racket from Down Under. All bets are off as they reveal a writing underbelly of emotion and saxophones.

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