Mayhem The Bloody Rehearsal 1989
LP, 2015, Bootleg, Limited Edition, Blaues Vinyl, Clear Vinyl

Herstellungsland Europäische Union
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2015
Zeit 47:46
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Armageddorn Records / nicht vorhanden
Musikrichtung Metal: Black Metal
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
4 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 47:46  
A 1. Deathcrush 3:33
A 2. Chainsaw Gutsfuck 3:45
A 3. Necrolust 3:21
A 4. Pure Fuckin' Armageddon 3:25
A 5. Carnage 3:14 I
A 6. Funeral Fog 5:52
B 7. The Dark And Freezing Moon 7:40
B 8. Buried By Time And Dust 5:28
B 9. Carnage 3:44 B
B 10. Freezing Moon 6:12 B
B 11. Buried By Time And Dust (Cut) 1:32 H


Limited 100 copies in transparent blue vinyl color.
All songs besides track 5 with Dead on vocals.
Track 9 and 10 are studio recordings.
Track 11 different version than Track 8 - hidden outro (cut)

Liner-Notes on backcover:

"This release is in memory of the 25th Deadiversary of Per Yngve Ohlin alias Dead (January 16th 1969 - April 8th 1991).
The featured recording was introduced to me by Dead as the "Bloody Rehearsal '89". Yes, you have read right.
I got the original tape directly from Dead himself.

Although you might have heard this assertion from other or previous releases, there is a big difference. The rehearsal consists of eight track while other have merely six. And you can hear the band chatting between the songs which is very typically fro rehearsal recordings from that period.
But most important is that fact that the sound quality is way better than all other releases you might have heard before. The sound comes straight to you as it is on the original source tape. And believe me, you will notice the difference.
Make sure to play it loud and I promise you an impressive and remaining experience.

After calling this recording my personal treasure for over 25 years I decided that now is the right time to share it with all other old school Mayhem addicts around the globe. Personally it gives me very good feeling let say by somehow "giving back" what this outstanding band gave to me and many others in the past.
Do not forget, we are talking about a Black Metal band with more than a 25 years history, a band that was so much ahead of all others at that time.

To around out this tribute to Dead, two tracks, Carnage and Freezing Moon taken from the 1990 studio recording session were added to this release. Which by the way is strictly limited to 300 copies - subdivided in three different colors.

I hope this recording can catch you into a journey back in time and return you the genuine feeling that I had and still have while listening to it. To all old Mayhem supporters, there is no way you can skip this release. Get it. All hail to Dead."

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Leider passiert es immer wieder, dass Abmahnungen für angebliche Copyright-Verletzungen ins Haus flattern. Ganz häufig ist es der Fall, dass auf dem Frontcover ein Foto oder eine Grafik eines Fotografen oder Künstlers genutzt wird, was dann nur mit dem Namen der Band und dem Titel des Albums versehen wurde. Das ursprüngliche Foto/Kunstwerk ist somit immer noch sehr prominent zu sehen. Die Abmahner nutzen zumeist automatisierte Prozesse, die das Netz nach unlizensierten Nutzungen der Werke ihrer Mandanten durchsuchen und dabei Abweichungen bis zu einem gewissen Prozentgrad ignorieren. Somit gibt es also häufig angebliche Treffer. Obwohl das Foto/Kunstwerk von den Plattenfirmen oder Bands ganz legal für die Veröffentlichung lizensiert wurde, ist dies den Abmahnern egal, ganz oft wissen die ja nicht einmal, was für eine einzelne Veröffentlichung abgemacht wurde. Die sehen nur die angebliche Copyright-Verletzung und fordern die dicke Kohle.

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