John Rutter + Hoagy Carmichael + George Shearing Feel The Spirit
Split-CD, 2001, Compilation

Herstellungsland Großbritannien
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2001
Zeit 73:30
EAN-Nr. 040888012825
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Collegium Records / COLCD 128
Musikrichtung Klassik
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 73:30  
1. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 1. "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho" 3:14
2. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 2. "Steal away" 4:18
3. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 3. "I got a robe" 2:32
4. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 4. "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child" 5:24
5. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 5. "Ev'ry time I feel the spirit" 4:30
6. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 6. "Deep river" 5:05
7. John Rutter "Feel the Spirit", a cycle of spirituals for mezzo-soprano, choir, and orchestra: 7. "When the saints go marching in" 4:08
8. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 1. "Live with me and be my love" 3:00
9. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 2. "When daffodils begin to peer" 1:46
10. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 3. "It was a lover and his lass" 2:10
11. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 4. "Spring" 2:32
12. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 5. "Who is Silvia" 4:58
13. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 6. "Fie on sinful fantasy" 1:00
14. George Shearing Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare for choir, piano and double bass: 7. "Hey, ho, the wind and the rain" 2:18
15. John Rutter "The heavenly aeroplane" 1:45
16. John Rutter "Lord of the Dance" (American Shaker song, arranged by John Rutter) 3:15 C
17. John Rutter Birthday madrigals for choir, piano and double bass: 1. "It was a lover and his lass" 2:18
18. John Rutter Birthday madrigals for choir, piano and double bass: 2. "Draw on, sweet night" 5:07
19. John Rutter Birthday madrigals for choir, piano and double bass: 3. "Come live with me" 3:36
20. John Rutter Birthday madrigals for choir, piano and double bass: 4. "My true love hath my heart" 3:12
21. John Rutter Birthday madrigals for choir, piano and double bass: 5. "When daisies pied" 2:52
22. Hoagy Carmichael "Skylark" (arranged by John Rutter) 4:30 C


Melanie Marshall, mezzo-soprano
Wayne Marshall, piano
Malcolm Creese, double bass

The Cambridge Singers
BBC Concert Orchestra
John Rutter

Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, March and April 2001

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