John Foxx 21st Century: A Man, A Woman And A City
CD + DVD, 2016, Best-Of, Limited Edition, Digipak

Herstellungsland Europäische Union
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2016
Zeit 72:49
EAN-Nr. 5060079264012
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Metamatic Records / META61CDDVD
Musikrichtung Pop: Electro, Synth Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 72:49  
1. A Funny Thing 4:16
2. Never Let Me Go 3:19
3. Evergreen 4:16
4. Interplay 2:39
5. Catwalk 5:02
6. Talk ( Beneath Your Dreams ) 4:51
7. Tides 3:59
8. Evidence [ Radio Edit ] 3:22
9. Evangeline [ Radio Edit ] 3:48
10. Almost There 3:49
11. A Many Splendourd Thing 5:11
12. A Man And A Woman 5:03
13. Estrellita 4:49
14. The Good Shadow [ Omd Remix ] 3:30
15. Changelings 3:54
16. The Shadow Of His Former Self [ Adult Remix ] 5:48
17. Talk ( Are You Listening To Me ? ) 5:13
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. Astoria
2. A Man And A Woman
3. Psytron
4. Evidence
5. Neon Vertigo
6. Talk
7. Myriads
8. Walk
9. A Falling Star
10. Cloud Choreography
11. Only Lovers Left Alive
12. Psytron 2 B


CD+DVD Deluxe Edition. 21st Century: A Man, A Woman And A City highlights some of John Foxx's best songs from 2000 onwards. These include his work with Louis Gordon, John Foxx And The Maths and Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins) as well as collaborations with Gazelle Twin, The Belbury Circle (Ghost Box), Matthew Dear, Jori Hulkkonen and The Soft Moon. There are also two brand new John Foxx And The Maths tracks A Many Splendoured Thing and A Man And A Woman . And two previously unreleased remixes by OMD and ADULT. The album closer brings together John Foxx And The Maths with Gary Numan for the first time on Talk (Are You Listening To Me?). The album's stunning cover image was created by John Foxx for the project. TRACKLISTING: John Foxx - A Man, A Woman And A City 1/ John Foxx And Louis Gordon - A Funny Thing (The Pleasures Of Electricity, 2001) 2/ John Foxx And Louis Gordon - Never Let Me Go (From Trash, 2005) 3/ John Foxx And The Maths - Evergreen (Interplay, 2011) 4/ John Foxx And The Maths Interplay (Interplay, 2011) 5/ John Foxx And The Maths Catwalk (Interplay, 2011) 6/ John Foxx And The Maths Featuring Matthew Dear - Talk (Beneath Your Dreams) (Evidence, 2012) 7/ John Foxx And The Maths Tides (The Shape Of Things, 2011) 8/ John Foxx And The Maths Featuring The Soft Moon - Evidence (Radio Edit) (Evidence, 2012) 9/ John Foxx And Jori Hulkkonen - Evangeline (Radio Edit) (2013) 10/ John Foxx And The Belbury Circle - Almost There (2013) 11/ John Foxx And The Maths - A Many Splendoured Thing (2016) 12/ John Foxx And The Maths - A Man And A Woman (2016) 13/ John Foxx And Robin Guthrie - Estrellita (Mirrorball, 2009) 14/ John Foxx And The Maths - The Good Shadow (OMD Remix) (Original on Interplay, 2011) 15/ John Foxx And The Maths Featuring Gazelle Twin Changelings (Evidence, 2012) 16/ John Foxx And The Maths - The Shadow Of His Former Self (ADULT. Remix) (original on The Shape Of Things, 2011) 17/ John Foxx And The Maths Featuring Gary Numan - Talk (Are You Listening To Me?) (2016).
This limited edition deluxe edition also features 11 videos by Japanese film director, Macoto Tezka, all filmed in Tokyo with music by John Foxx And The Maths. DVD: All regions (NTSC) These include his work with Louis Gordon, John Foxx And The Maths and Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins) as well as collaborations with Gazelle Twin, The Belbury Circle (Ghost Box), Matthew Dear, Jori Hulkkonen and The Soft Moon. DVD A Man, A Woman And A City: A film by Macoto Tezka 1 John Foxx And The Maths - Astoria 2 John Foxx And The Maths - A Man And A Woman 3 John Foxx And The Maths Psytron 4 John Foxx And The Maths Featuring The Soft Moon - Evidence 5 John Foxx And The Maths - Neon Vertigo 6 John Foxx And The Maths Talk 7 John Foxx And The Maths Myriads 8 John Foxx And The Maths - Walk 9 John Foxx And The Maths - A Falling Star 10 John Foxx And The Maths - Cloud Choreography 11 John Foxx And The Maths - Only Lovers Left Alive 12 Bonus Track - John Foxx And The Maths - Psytron 2

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