Jimmy Page Special Early Works Featuring Sonny Boy Williamson
LP, 1972, Mono, Re-Release

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1972
Orig. Release 1968
Zeit 28:16
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Springboard International Records, Inc. / SPB-4038
Musikrichtung Blues: Blues Rock, Chicago-Blues, Electric Blues
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 28:16  
A 1. Don't Send Me No Flowers 5:43
A 2. I See A Man Downstairs 3:12
A 3. She Was So Dumb 4:19
A 4. The Goat 2:05
B 5. Walking 3:11
B 6. Little Girl, How Old Are You? 3:14
B 7. It's A Bloody Life 3:17
B 8. Gettin' Out Of Town 3:15


First issued in 1968 as Sonny Boy Williamson (2) With Brian Auger & The Trinity, Joe Harriott, Alan Skidmore, Jimmy Page "Don't Send Me No Flowers".

Of the many obscure projects Jimmy Page was associated with prior to Led Zeppelin, one of the most notable was a studio session he recorded live alongside noted keyboardist Brian Auger, and famed bluesman, Sonny Boy Williamson. The session took place at IBC Studios on January 28, 1965. Those present at the session included, Jimmy Page on guitar, Brian Auger on organ, Ricky Brown on bass Mickey Waller on drums along with Joe Harriot & Alan Skidmore on saxophone, and Sonny Boy taking up vocal and harmonica. While doing press for the documentary film "It Might Get Loud" Jimmy Page also recalled the session with Sonny Boy Williamson: "The one that was done live with The Yardbirds hadn’t come out. It was our manager who called me. I was a studio musician, at the time, and Sonny Boy was living in his flat. Somebody told me once that they went to the house and they heard Sonny Boy plucking a live chicken. I don’t know how true that was. That didn’t happen when I was there. Sonny Boy and myself rehearsed these neighbors in the manager’s flat and, by the time we got into the studio a couple days later, Sonny Boy had forgotten all of the arrangements of what we were going to do. It was cool. Good music comes out of that."
(Corbin, Pageia Obscura)

Matrix / Runout: SLT-01517
Matrix / Runout: SLT-01518

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