Jelly Roll Morton + Duke Ellington Jazz Lunch Vol.2
Split-4-CD, 2005, Box, Compilation, Remastered

Herstellungsland Deutschland
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2005
Zeit 245:06
EAN-Nr. 4011222227584
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Membran International GmbH / 222758
Musikrichtung Jazz: Dixieland, Ragtime
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
2 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
CD 1
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 58:15  
1. Jelly Roll Morton New Orleans 2:44
2. Jelly Roll Morton Grandpa's Spells 2:34
3. Jelly Roll Morton Thirty-Fifth Street Blues 2:30
4. Jelly Roll Morton Froggie Moore 2:51
5. Jelly Roll Morton London Blues 2:56
6. Jelly Roll Morton Tia Juana (Tee Wana) 2:49
7. Jelly Roll Morton Mamamita 2:52
8. Jelly Roll Morton Bucktown Blues 2:56
9. Jelly Roll Morton Tom Cat Blues 3:01
10. Jelly Roll Morton Perfect Rag 2:41
11. Jelly Roll Morton The Pearls 2:46
12. Jelly Roll Morton Sweethearts O'mine 2:48
13. Jelly Roll Morton Fat Meat And Greens 2:51
14. Jelly Roll Morton Black Bottom Stomp 3:12
15. Jelly Roll Morton The Chant 3:22
16. Jelly Roll Morton Doctor Jazz 3:27
17. Jelly Roll Morton Grandpa's Soells 2:56
18. Jelly Roll Morton Original Jelly-Roll Blues 3:03
19. Jelly Roll Morton Cannon Ball Blues 2:55
20. Jelly Roll Morton Wild Man Blues 3:01
CD 2
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 60:12  
1. Jelly Roll Morton Choo Choo 3:14
2. Jelly Roll Morton Rainy Nights 3:24
3. Jelly Roll Morton I'm Gonna Hang Around My Sugar 3:01
4. Jelly Roll Morton Trombone Blues 2:59
5. Jelly Roll Morton Georgia Grind 2:42
6. Jelly Roll Morton Parlour Social Stomp 3:10
7. Jelly Roll Morton (You've Got Those) Wanna-Go-Back-Blues 3:19
8. Jelly Roll Morton If You Can't Hold The Man You Love 3:20
9. Jelly Roll Morton Animal Crackers 3:07
10. Jelly Roll Morton Li'l Farina 3:01
11. Jelly Roll Morton East St. Louis Toodle-O 2:52
12. Jelly Roll Morton Birmingham Breakdown 2:44
13. Jelly Roll Morton Immigration Blues 2:57
14. Jelly Roll Morton The Creeper 2:47
15. Jelly Roll Morton New Orleans Low-Down 2:59
16. Jelly Roll Morton Song Of The Cotton-Field 3:00
17. Jelly Roll Morton Birmingham Breakdown 2:38
18. Jelly Roll Morton East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 2:59
19. Jelly Roll Morton East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 3:05
20. Jelly Roll Morton Hop Head 2:54
CD 3
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 64:24  
1. Jelly Roll Morton Oh Baby 2:18
2. Jelly Roll Morton Riverboat Shuffle 2:31
3. Jelly Roll Morton Tiger Rag 2:37
4. Jelly Roll Morton Big Boy 2:46
5. Jelly Roll Morton My Pretty Girl 2:39
6. Jelly Roll Morton Singin' The Blues 3:00
7. Jelly Roll Morton Slow River 2:56
8. Jelly Roll Morton Riverboat Shuffle 3:09
9. Jelly Roll Morton I'm Coming Virginia 3:10
10. Jelly Roll Morton Way Down Yonder In New Orleans 2:52
11. Jelly Roll Morton For No Reason At All In C 3:04
12. Jelly Roll Morton In A Mist 2:45
13. Jelly Roll Morton Clementine 3:02
14. Jelly Roll Morton At The Jazz Band Ball 2:52
15. Jelly Roll Morton Jazz Me Blues 3:04
16. Jelly Roll Morton Sorry 2:54
17. Jelly Roll Morton Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down 3:00
18. Jelly Roll Morton Lonely Melody 2:58
19. Jelly Roll Morton Mississippi Mud 3:10
20. Jelly Roll Morton From Monday On 3:05
21. Duke Ellington Rhythm King 3:20
22. Duke Ellington I'll Be A Friend "With Pleasure" 3:12
CD 4
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 62:15  
1. Jelly Roll Morton Copenhagen 2:52
2. Jelly Roll Morton Santa Claus Blues 2:45
3. Jelly Roll Morton Jazzbo Brown From Memphis Town 3:20
4. Jelly Roll Morton Sensation Rag 2:50
5. Jelly Roll Morton Kentucky 2:56
6. Jelly Roll Morton There's A House In Harlem For Sale 2:48
7. Jelly Roll Morton Wild Party 3:01
8. Jelly Roll Morton Shanghai Shuffle 2:49
9. Jelly Roll Morton Warming Up 3:13
10. Jelly Roll Morton More Than That 2:53
11. Jelly Roll Morton Rhythm, Rhythm 2:51
12. Jelly Roll Morton I've Found A New Baby 2:42
13. Jelly Roll Morton Dizzy Debutante 2:43
14. Jelly Roll Morton Lorna Doone Short Bread 2:58
15. Jelly Roll Morton Knock-Kneed Sal 2:31
16. Jelly Roll Morton Corrine Corrini (Where've Been You So Long) 2:15
17. Jelly Roll Morton Royal Garden Blues 2:31
18. Jelly Roll Morton I'm Cuttin' Out 3:07
19. Jelly Roll Morton Eccentric Rag 2:49
20. Jelly Roll Morton Can't We Be Friends? 2:37
21. Duke Ellington Coquette 3:01
22. Duke Ellington St. Louis Blues 2:43



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