Howard Shore The Lord Of The Rings (The Motion Picture Trilogy Soundtrack)
6-LP, 2018, Box, Compilation, Limited Edition, Re-Release

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2018
Orig. Release 2003
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Reprise / Warner / Rhino / R1-565283
Musikrichtung Soundtrack: Score
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
3 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
LP 1
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. The Prophecy
A 2. Concerning Hobbits
A 3. The Shadow Of The Past
A 4. The Treason Of Isengard
A 5. The Black Rider
B 6. At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
B 7. A Knife In The Dark
B 8. Flight To The Ford
B 9. Many Meetings
B 10. The Council Of Elrond (Feat. "Aníron (Theme For Aragorn And Arwen)"
LP 2
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. The Ring Goes South
A 2. A Journey In The Dark
A 3. The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm
A 4. Lothlórien (Feat. "Lament For Gandalf")
A 5. The Great River
B 6. Amon Hen
B 7. The Breaking Of The Fellowship (Feat. "In Dreams")
B 8. May It Be
LP 3
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. Foundations Of Stone
A 2. The Taming Of Sméagol
A 3. The Riders Of Rohan
A 4. The Passage Of The Marshes
A 5. The Uruk-Hai
B 6. The King Of The Golden Hall
B 7. The Black Gate Is Closed
B 8. Evenstar
B 9. The White Rider
B 10. Treebeard
B 11. The Leave Taking
LP 4
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. Helm's Deep
A 2. The Forbidden Pool
A 3. Breath Of Life
A 4. The Hornburg
B 5. Forth Eorlingas
B 6. Isengard Unleashed
B 7. Samwise The Brave
B 8. Gollum's Song
LP 5
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. A Storm Is Coming
A 2. Hope And Memory
A 3. Minas Tirith
A 4. The White Tree
A 5. The Steward Of Gondor
A 6. Minas Morgul
B 7. The Ride Of The Rohirrim
B 8. Twilight And Shadow
B 9. Cirith Ungol
B 10. Andúril
B 11. Shelob's Lair
B 12. Ash And Smoke
LP 6
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. The Fields Of The Pelennor
A 2. Hope Fails
A 3. The Black Gate Opens
A 4. The End Of All Things
B 5. The Return Of The King
B 6. The Grey Havens
B 7. Into The West


Limited-Edition Boxed Set Features The Soundtracks to
All Three Films In The Acclaimed Trilogy On Six 180-Gram LPs

Rhino introduce a limited-edition set that includes the original soundtracks to all three films. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE MOTION PICTURE TRILOGY SOUNDTRACK will be released on November 30 as a six-LP boxed set. The 180-gram limited edition LPs will be housed in a collector’s box that has a leather-style spine.

The music for all three films was composed, orchestrated and conducted by Howard Shore. His music was performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, with contributions from two choirs: London Voices and London Oratory School Schola.

The Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack was certified platinum in the U.S. alone, and sold extremely well around the world. It won the Academy Award® for Best Original Score, as well as the Grammy® for Best Score Soundtrack Album. It includes two original songs written and performed by Enya: “May It Be” and “Aníron (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen).”

The Two Towers soundtrack was certified gold in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada and won the Grammy Award® for Best Score Soundtrack Album.

The Return of the King soundtrack was certified gold in the U.S. and the U.K. and won two Academy Awards® for Best Original Score and for Best Original Song with “Into the West” performed by Annie Lennox; two Golden Globe Awards® for Best Original Score and Song; and two Grammy Awards® for Best Score Soundtrack Album and Song Written for a Motion Picture.

There’s probably never been as ambitious a film score as Howard Shore’s 10-hour epic for the “Lord of the Rings” series… the music is rich and complex, drawing on a vast range of styles and exotic instruments to evoke J.R.R. Tolkien’s world… Shore uses an elaborate leitmotif technique (where musical themes are associated with specific characters or ideas, and are developed across the entire series) to hold the sprawling tale together. Lush, beautiful and full of intriguing surprises, it’s no wonder that it’s become one of the most popular film scores ever written.
– Stephen Brookes for the Washington Post, May, 2008

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