Aretha Franklin + Gloria Gaynor + Dionne Warwick The Divas
Split-3-CD, 2005, Best-Of, Pappschuber

Herstellungsland Unbekannt
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2005
Zeit 135:00
EAN-Nr. 8594058691478
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Unlimited Media / 20196489
Musikrichtung Soul/R&B
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
CD 1
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 45:19  
1. Aretha Franklin Rock Steady 3:12
2. Aretha Franklin Share You Love With Me 3:18
3. Aretha Franklin Chain Of Fools 2:48
4. Aretha Franklin Respect 2:24
5. Aretha Franklin I Say A Little Prayer 3:24
6. Aretha Franklin Eleanor Rigby 2:36
7. Aretha Franklin Think 2:18
8. Aretha Franklin Ain't No Way 4:12
9. Aretha Franklin Don't Play That Song 3:01
10. Aretha Franklin See Saw 2:44
11. Aretha Franklin Call Me 3:55
12. Aretha Franklin Baby, I Love You 2:44
13. Aretha Franklin While The Blood Runs Warm 3:05
14. Aretha Franklin You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman 2:44
15. Aretha Franklin The Weight 2:54
CD 2
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 43:18  
1. Gloria Gaynor Reach Out I'll Be There 4:11 C
2. Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive 4:21
3. Gloria Gaynor The Power Of Love 4:18 C
4. Gloria Gaynor I Am What I Am 5:55
5. Gloria Gaynor The Eye Of The Tiger 3:50 C
6. Gloria Gaynor Can't Take My Eyes Off You 5:12 C
7. Gloria Gaynor Suddenly 3:43
8. Gloria Gaynor Every Breath I Take 2:49 C
9. Gloria Gaynor Everytime You Go Away 3:55 C
10. Gloria Gaynor Never Can Say Goodbye 5:04 C
CD 3
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 46:23  
1. Dionne Warwick I'll Never Fall In Love Again 3:03
2. Dionne Warwick Forever My Love 2:46
3. Dionne Warwick Walk On By 2:55
4. Dionne Warwick Wives And Lovers 3:05
5. Dionne Warwick Unchained Melody 4:13 C
6. Dionne Warwick Then Come You 4:00
7. Dionne Warwick Wishin' And Hopin' 2:59 C
8. Dionne Warwick Where Can I Go Without You 3:08
9. Dionne Warwick Don't Say I Didn't Tell You 3:06
10. Dionne Warwick Only The Strong, Only The Brave 2:19
11. Dionne Warwick Always Something There To Remind Me 3:01
12. Dionne Warwick Is There Another Way To Love Him 2:31
13. Dionne Warwick How Many Days Of Sadness 3:18
14. Dionne Warwick Don't Make Me Over 3:23
15. Dionne Warwick Endless Love 2:36 C

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