George Harrison The Alternate Wonderwall
CD, 2004, Bootleg, Digipak

Herstellungsland Unbekannt
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2004
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Pear / PDP-016
Musikrichtung Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. Wonderwall (Opening)
2. Microbes
3. Microbes
4. Wonderwall (Butterflies)
5. Wonderwall To Be Here
6. Red Lady Too
7. Wonderwall (Through The Wall)
8. Wonderwall (Mother)
9. Wonderwall (Are You In A Hole)
10. Greasy Legs
11. Ski-Ing
12. Gat Kirwani
13. Wonderwall (Clearing The Wall)
14. Love Scene
15. Dream Scene
16. Cowboy Music
17. Wonderwall (Fool's Dance)
18. Party Secombe
19. Guru Vandana
20. On The Bed
21. Drilling A Home
22. Wonderwall (Butterfly Legs)
23. Drilling A Home
24. Wonderwall (What Nobody Knows)
25. Wonderwall [Commercials]
26. Wonderwall [Glass Box/Unit No5]
27. Fantasy Sequins
28. Crying
29. Wonderwall (On The Roof)
30. Wonderwall To Be Here
31. Singing On
32. Wonderwall (Are You In A Hole)
33. Wonderwall [Drilling A Home Medley]
34. Wonderwall [Lennon Poem]
35. Wonderwall [Drilling A Home Samba]
36. Wonderwall [Factory Wedding Scene]
37. The Inner Light [Instrumental Backing Track]
38. The Inner Light [Stereo Mix]


Wonderwall Music album by George Harrison was released Jul 04, 1992 on the Apple label. The compositions on this CD were written for the unreleased film "Wonderwall" Wonderwall Music music CDs The first Beatle solo album -- as well as the first Apple album -- was a minor eruption of the pent-up energies of George Harrison, who was busy composing this offbeat score to the film Wonderwall as Magical Mystery Tour raced up the charts. Wonderwall Music songs With the subcontinental influence now firmly in the driver's seat, the score is mostly given over to the solemn, atmospheric drones of Indian music. Wonderwall Music album Yet, as a whole, it's a fascinating if musically slender mishmash of sounds from East and West, everything casually juxtaposed or superimposed without a care in the world. Wonderwall Music CD music Harrison himself does not appear as a player or singer; rather, he presides over the groups of Indian and British musicians, with half of the cues recorded in London, the other half in Bombay. The Indian tracks are professionally executed selections cut into film cue-sized bites, sometimes mixed up with a rock beat, never permitted to develop much.

The notes on the album say it contains alternate mixes and 17 unreleased tracks. The unreleased tracks have been sourced from the film itself and no doubt named by the bootleggers (cf the different titles on "Wonderwall Music (Mono)"). These titles have been listed under the generic "Wonderwall (Film Soundtrack)" moniker for the sake of the database. Some tracks are repeated - different mixes, presumably from a VHS of the original print and the DVD reissue - the hissier-sounding ones (most of them) are listed as VHS.

Total duration: 71:47

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