Georg Friedrich Händel Hercules
3-CD, 2002, Live, Pappschuber

Herstellungsland Deutschland
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2002
Zeit 176:10
EAN-Nr. 028946953228
Label/Labelcode Archiv Produktion / LC 0113
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Hamburg / 469 532-2
Musikrichtung Klassik
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
CD 1
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 64:10  
1. ACT I - Overtura 4:32 I L
2. Menuetto 2:03 I L
3. SCENE 1 - Recitativo accompagnato (Lichas) "See, with what sad dejection in her looks" 2:02 L
4. Aria (Lichas) "No longer, Fate, recentles frown" 5:45 L
5. Recitativo Accompagnato (Dejanira) "O Hercules! Why Art Thou Absent From Me?" 0:50 L
6. Aria (Dejanira) "The World, When Day's Career Is Run" 4:31 L
7. Recitativo (Lichas, Dejanira) "Princess! be comforted, and hope the best" - SCENE 2 - Recitativo acc. (cont.) "My son! dear image of thy absent sire!" 1:25 L
8. Aria (Hyllus) "I feel, I feel the god, he swells my breast!" 1:33 L
9. Recitativo (Hyllus, Dejanira) "He said, the sacred fury left his breast" 0:58 L
10. Aria (Dejanira) "There in my rtle shades reclined" 3:21 L
11. Recitativo (Hyllus) "Despair not; but let rising hope suspend" 0:27 L
12. Aria (Hyllus) "Where congealed the northern streams" 1:53 L
13. Chorus "O filial piety! O gen'rous love!" 5:18 L
14. SCENE 3 - Recitativo (Lichas, Dejanira) "Banish your fears!" 0:31 L
15. Aria (Dejanira) "Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away" 3:27 L
16. Recitativo (Lichas, Hyllus, Dejanira) "A train of captives, red with honest wounds" 0:55 L
17. Aria (Lichas) "The smiling hours, a joyful train" 1:21 L
18. Chorus "Let none despair, relief my come though late" 2:26 L
19. SCENE 4 - March 1:49 I L
20. Recitativo (Hercules, Iole) "Thanks to the pow'rs above, but chief to thee?" 1:27 L
21. Aria (Iole) "My father! Ah! methinks I see" 5:56 L
22. SCENE 5 - Recitativo (Hercules) "Now farewell, arms!" 0:26 L
23. Aria (Hercules) "The god of battle quits the bloody field" 2:24 L
24. Recitativo (Iole) "Ah me! How soon the flatterer hope" 0:27 L
25. Aria (Iole) "Daughter of gods, brighty liberty!" 5:55 L
26. Chorus "Crown with festal pomp the day" 2:28 L
CD 2
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 65:19  
1. ACT II - Sinfonia 1:11 I L
2. SCENE 1 - Recitativo (Iole) "Why was I born a princess?" 0:18 L
3. Aria (Iole) "How blest the maid, ordained to dwell" 5:57 L
4. SCENE 2- Recitativo (Dejanira, Iole) "I must be so! fame speaks aloud my wrongs" 0:38 L
5. Aria (Dejanira) "When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears" 2:48 L
6. Recitativo (Iole, Dejanira) "Whence this unjust suspicion?" 1:10 L
7. Aria (Iole) "Ah! think what ills the jealous prove" 5:52 L
8. Recitativo (Dejanira) "It is too sure that Hercules is false" - SCENE 3 - Recitativo (cont.) "My godlike master?" - "Is a traitor" 0:19 L
9. Recitativo (cont.) "In vain you strive his falsehood to disguise!" 0:16 L
10. Chorus "Jealousy! Infernal pest" 5:18 L
11. SCENE 4 - Recitativo (Hyllus, Iole) "She knows my passion, and has heard me breathe" 1:45 L
12. Aria (Iole) ""Banish love from thy breast 2:18 L
13. Recitativo (Hyllus) "Forgive a passion, which resistless sways" 0:10 L
14. Aria (Hyllus) "From celestial seats descending" 5:37 L
15. Chorus "Wanton god of amorous fires" 2:04 L
16. SCENE 5 - Recitativo (Dejanira, Hercules) "Yes, I congratulate your titles" 0:45 L
17. Aria (Hercules) "Alcides' name in latest story" 4:47 L
18. Recitativo (Dejanira) "O glorious pattern of heroic deeds!" 0:30 L
19. Aria (Dejanira) "Resign thy club and lion's spoils" 4:55 L
20. Recitativo (Hercules, Dejanira) "You are deceived! Some villain has belied" - SCENE 6 - Recitativo (cont.) "Dissembling, false, perfidious Hercules!" 1:29 L
21. Aria (Dejanira) "Cease, ruler of the day, to rise" 3:50 L
22. Recitativo (Dejanira) "Some kinder pow'r inspire me" - SCENE 7 - Recitativo (cont.) "Lichas, thy hands shall to the temple bear" 1:26 L
23. Aria (Lichas) "As stars, that rise and disappear" 3:54 L
24. Recitativo (Dejanira) "But see, the princess Iole. Retire!" - SCENE 8 - Recitativo (cont.) "Forgive me, princess, if my jealous frenzy" 1:16 L
25. Duet (Dejanira, Iole) "Joys of freedom, joys of pow'r" 2:33 L
26. Recitativo (Dejanira) "Father of Hercules, great Jove" 0:18 L
27. Chorus "Love and Hymen, hand in hand" 3:55 L
CD 3
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 46:41  
1. ACT III - Sinfonia 3:54 I L
2. SCENE 1 - Recitative (Lichas, First Trachinian) "Ye sons of Trachin, mourn your valiant chief" 1:26 L
3. Aria (Lichas) "Oh scene of unexampled woe" 3:07 L
4. Chorus "Tyrants now no more shall dread" 4:15 L
5. SCENE 2 - [Recitative accompagnato] (Hercules) "O Jove! what land is this" 2:24 L
6. Recitative (Hyllus, Hercules) "Great Jove! relieve his pains!" 2:09 L
7. Aria (Hyllus) "Let not fame the tidings spread" 4:03 L
8. SCENE 3 - [Recitative accompagnato] (Dejanira) "Where shall I fly?" 6:14 L
9. SCENE 4 - Recitative (Dejanira, Iole) "Lo! the fair, fatal cause of all this ruin!" 1:17 L
10. Aria (Iole) "My breast with tender pity swells" 6:50 L
11. SCENE 5 - Recitative (Priest of Jupiter, Dejanira) "Princess, rejoice! whose heav'n-directed hand" 1:46 L
12. Aria (Lichas) "He, who for Atlas prop'd the sky" 1:50 L
13. Recitative (Dejanira, Priest of Jupiter, Hyllus, Iole) "Words are too faint to speak the warring passions" 1:07 L
14. Duet (Iole, Hyllus) "O prince, whose virtues all admire" 3:26 L
15. Recitative (Priest of Jupiter) "Ye sons of freedom, now, in ev'ry clime" 0:17 L
16. Chorus "To him your grateful notes of praise belong" 2:36 L


Musical Drama in three acts, HWV 60
Libretto: Thomas Broughton

HERCULES ............................. Gidon Saks
DEJANIRA, his wife ................ Anne Sofie von Otter
HYLLUS, his son ..................... Richard Croft
IOLE, Princess of Oechalia ..... Lynne Dawson
LICHAS, a herald .................... David Daniels
PRIEST OF JUPITER ............. Marcos Pujol

Chœur des Musiciens du Louvre
Les Musiciens du Louvre
Marc Minkowski

Recorded live at the Théâtre de Poissy, Paris
Enregistrement: Radio France

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