Fucked Up David's Town - Featuring 11 Original Hits From Byrdesdale Spa, UK!
LP, 2011, Limited Edition

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2011
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. 744861095811
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Matador Records / OLE-958-1
Musikrichtung Punk: Pop Punk, Punk Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
3 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
A 1. Porcelaine On Porcelaine - "Byrdesdale Spa FC" [Vocals: Danko Jones]
A 2. Crown And Criers - "Garden City" [Vocals: Wesley Patrick Gonzales]
A 3. Gacy And The Boys - "My Old Man's A Ginger" [Vocals: Damian Abraham]
A 4. Redstockings - "Unrequited Love" [Vocals: Sandy Miranda]
A 5. Animal Man - "Do You Feed? (The Curry Song)" [Vocals: Ben Cook]
A 6. The Wavy Originals - "Fake Moments (Of True Love)" [Vocals: Dan Romano]
B 7. Grain - "Light Rain" [Vocals: Simone Schmidt]
B 8. In Good Company - "Harmony's Double" [Vocals: A.C. Newman]
B 9. Hateful Coil - "Bull Thunder" [Vocals: Cee Kay]
B 10. Das Schwäche - "Das Schwäche" [Vocals: Jonah Falco]
B 11. Wonderer - "It's Hard To Be A Dad" [Vocals: Dylan Baldi/The Cloud Nothings]


Barcode - Sticker

Fake Compilation. Record Store Day 2011-Release. Limited to 2000.

Alle "Bands" kommen aus der fiktiven Stadt Byrdesdale Spa in Großbritannien, in der auch die Oper/das Musical "David Comes To Life" von FU spielt, das im Juni 2011 veröffentlicht wurde.

Record Store Day-Info: While recording their brand-new album, the rock opera David Comes To Life, Fucked Up discovered that they had 15 extra tracks once the album and associated singles were complete. They decided to repurpose the extra songs as a fictitious compilation album from a British town circa 1978-83, in the tradition of local punk, post-punk and DIY comps of the era. The town is the one in which the opera is set. All tracks unreleased!

From the back cover: "Totally recorded at the Kompany Boys and Girls Club 1976-1979 by Blythe Capricorn. Actually recorded January 10th-15th 2011 at The Rehearsal Factory and Central Audio by J. Falco and Lorne Hounsell, January 28th and Feb 1st 2011 at Inner Nemetnia by Ben Cook. Mixed by Ben Cook. Jonah Falco on drums. Jonah Falco, Ben Cook, Josh Zucker, and Michael Haliechuk on guitars. Sanda Miranda on bass. Layout by Sandy Miranda and Jonah Falco. With extensive gratitude and respect to all of our wonderful guests. Happy Record Store Day."

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