DJ Shadow The Private Press
CD, 2002

Herstellungsland Australien
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2002
Zeit 57:19
EAN-Nr. 731458693628
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Island / 586936-2
Musikrichtung Rap/Hip Hop: Trip Hop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
6 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 57:19  
1. (Letter From Home) 1:09 I
2. Fixed Income 4:49 I
3. Un Autre Introduction 0:44 I
4. Walkie Talkie 2:27 I
5. Giving Up The Ghost 6:30 I
6. Six Days 5:02 I
7. Mongrel... 2:20 I
8. ...Meets His Maker 3:02 I
9. Right Thing/GDMFSOB (clean instrumental version) 4:20 I
10. Monosylabik 6:46 I
11. Mashin' on the Motorway 2:58 I
12. Blood On The Motorway 9:12 I
13. You Can't Go Home Again 7:03 I
14. (Letter From Home) 0:57 I


ISLAND | MO' WAX // (p) 2002 A&M Records Ltd (c) 2002 Universal Island Records Ltd
- Marketed in Australasia by Universal Music Australia under exclusive licence

released June 2, 2002

Instrumental Hip Hop
Turntablism, Trip Hop


01 - "(Letter from Home)"

* A recorded letter (a "Recordio-Gram") by Nubella Johnson.

02 - "Fixed Income"

* "She's Gonna Grow on You" by Sensations' Fix
* "Million Grains of Sand" by Marcus
* "Bright Shadows" by Beaver and Krause
* "Voyage to Cleavland" by Saint Steven
* "Love Eyes" by Phluph
* "Beacon from Mars" by Kaleidoscope
* "With Cat-Like Thread" by Spindrift Liberate

03 - "Un Autre Introduction"

* "Jingle Overture (Discoteque)" by François Bernard and Roby

04 - "Walkie Talkie"

* "Life Story" by The Hellers
* "Gangster Rap" by Hollywood
* "Feel the Heartbeat" by The Treacherous Three
* "My Philosophy" by Boogie Down Productions

05 - "Giving Up the Ghost"

* "Bound to Be" by The Dream Academy

06 - "Six Days"

* "I Cry in the Morning" by Dennis Olivieri
* "Six Day War" by Colonel Bagshot
* "Drummer's Salute" by The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards

07/08 - "Mongrel...Meets His Maker"

* "Strange About Your Hands" by Sensations' Fix
* "Little Waterfalls" by The Facedancers
* "Thoughts" by Iliad
* "Fantasy World" by James Knight and the Butlers

09 - "Right Thing/GDMFSOB"

* "Ask Me Why the Tape Wobbles" by Barry O'Brian
* "What's on Your Mind (Pure Energy)" by Information Society
* "Mooses Saloon" by Smile
* "Work the Box" by The Children
* "Disco Duck (Part 1)" by Rick Dees and His Cast of Idiots
* "Here (In the Garden)" by Gypsy
* "Techno Scratch" by Knights of the Turntables

10 - "Monosylabik"

* "Plenty Action" by Soft Touch

11 - "Mashin' on the Motorway"

* "Sunshine" by David Wertman
* "All Along the Watchtower" by Savage Grace
* "Dialogue from the film Roger and Me ("He just wanted us to call him Captain Da. He said you could call me Da-Da. Whatever that meant.")

12 - "Blood on the Motorway"

* "Pissing in a River" by Patti Smith
* "It's Easy" by Marc Z
* "Gli Uccelli" by Franco Battiato

13 - "You Can't Go Home Again"

* "Life is a Gamble" by Preacher
* "El Condor Pasa" by Los Incas

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