Dead Kennedys Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
CD, 1993, Compilation, Re-Release

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1993
Orig. Release 1987
Zeit 51:00
EAN-Nr. 21616005721
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Alternative Tentacles / VIRUS 57CD
Musikrichtung Hardcore: Hardcore Punk
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
7 (3 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 51:00  
1. Police Truck 2:24
2. Too Drunk to Fuck 2:39
3. California Über Alles (single version) 3:26
4. The Man with the Dogs 3:02
5. Insight 1:39
6. Life Sentence 2:39
7. A Child and His Lawnmower 0:55
8. Holiday In Cambodia (single version) 3:43
9. I Fought the Law 2:18 C
10. Saturday Night Holocaust 4:18
11. Pull My Strings 5:44 L
12. Short Songs 0:27 L
13. Straight A's 2:13 L
14. Kinky Sex Makes the World Go 'Round 4:14
15. The Prey 3:47
16. Night of the Living Rednecks 5:11 L
17. Buzzbomb from Pasadena 2:21


- (p)&(c) 1987 Alternative Tentacles Records except track 9 Acruff-Rose Opryland Music Co. (BMI). - Tracks 1, 2, 8 and 15 licensed from Cherry Red Records
- .(Booklet): All songs (C) 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987 Decay Music (BMI) Virus 57CD
- Distributed by Mordam Records
- (CD Face): Manufactured by Distronics Texas, Inc.
- Printed in Canada

matrix: 128045 - D1 - 4290-2 Distronics USA 'VIRUS 557 CD*

Track 1 b-side of second single. ©1980 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 2 a-side of fourth single. Released Spring 1981 (Alternative Tentacles Virus 2). Recorded at Mobius Music and Hyde Street Studios. ©1981 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 3 a-side of first single. Released June, 1979 (Alternative Tentacles 95-41. Re-issued 1980 on Optional). Released the following October in the U.K. on Fast Products. Recorded at BSU Studio. ©1978 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 4 b-side of first single. ©1979 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 5 b-side of third single. Released Fall, 1980 (A-side was slight re-mix of 'Kill The Poor'). ©1980 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 6 b-side of Bleed For Me single. Release Summer, 1980 (Alternative Records Virus 23). Recorded at Hyde Street Studios and Mobius Music. ©1982 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 7 originally appeared on double album compilation Maximum Rock N Roll presents NOT SO QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT (Alternative Tentacles Virus 14). Recordeed at Tom Mallon Studio. ©1982 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 8 a-side of second single. An alternative version appeared later on the 'Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables' LP. Released Spring, 1980. First on Optional Records, then on I.R.S. Records with an upgraded sleeve. ©1980 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 9 originally intended for release as a flexi-disc in 1985 under the name 'Lily White Dan and the Hot Potatoes' to be given away at street protests marking Dan White's return to San Francisco. Later appeared on Rose 100, 'Play New Rose For Me' double LP compilation album, released worldwide by New Rose Records, France, in 1986. Recorded at Hyde Street Studios. Mixed at City Sound.

Track 10 b-side of 'Halloween' single. Released December, 1982 (Alternative Tentacles Virus 28). ©1982 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 11 recorded live at BAM magazine's 3rd Annual Bay Area Music Awards at the Warfield Theater, San Francisco, March 25, 1980. Special thanks to Dennis Erokan and Miles Hurwitz for granting us use of this recording. Originally intended for release as part of a 4-song live 12" EP. The other three songs would have been the versions of "Bleed For Me", "Government Flu" and "Chemical Warfare" recorded for the film "URGH! A Music War" and rebroadcast on MTV's "The Cutting Edge". A&M Recorded had purged us from the URGH! soundtrack album because they didn't like our band name. ©1980 Decay Music (BMI)

Tracks 12 / 13 originally appeared on "Can You Hear Me? Music From The Deaf Club" live compilation LP. Recorded March 3, 1979. Last performance with five-piece line-up: Biafra, Ray, Klaus, Ted on drums and 6025 on other guitar. An earlier version of 'Police Truck' was also featured. Released 1980 by Walking Dead Records first through Optional and later through ©1979 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 14 originally appeared on Wargasm benefit compilation LP, released spring, 1982 by Pax U.K. Later appeared on P.E.A.C.E. benefit double album compilation released by RRadical, late 1984. Mixed at Mobius Music. ©1982 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 15 b-side of fourth single. Recorded at Mobius Music, Hyde Street Studios and live in the Tenderloin (we ran a mix from the Hyde St. Studio A control board out into the street to record the background noises. ©1981 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 16 recorded live by persons unknown at the Earth Tavern, Portland, Oregon, on November 19, 1979, while Ray was changing strings. ©1987 Decay Music (BMI)

Track 17 ©1987 Decay Music (BMI)

Hardcore Punk, Punk Rock
Surf Punk


Jello Biafra - vocals, producer, artwork, compiler
East Bay Ray - guitar, echoplex, producer, mixer
Klaus Fluoride - bass, backing vocals
D.H. Peligro - drums, backing vocals
Ted - drums, artwork
6025 - guitar
Thom Wilson - producer
Geza X - producer, backing vocals

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