Classic Rock 201 - Bright Sparks
CD, 2014, Heftbeilage, Cardsleeve

Herstellungsland Polen
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2014
Zeit 57:09
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Classic Rock Magazine / ROC201-09-14
Musikrichtung Rock: Classic Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
3 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 57:09  
1. Scorpions Vs. Tarantula Chasing Alive 2:56
2. The Legendary If I Was A Girl 3:11
3. Heavy Necker Momento Mori 4:30
4. Ghost County The Dive 3:54
5. The Deaf Commission Until The End 3:12
6. Frankie McQueen Mama Told Me 3:06
7. We're Traveled Last Calls & Assholes 3:26
8. Smokin' Durrys Should've Known Better 2:48
9. Wizard Sex Rock N Roll Is My Busines 2:49
10. Tipi Valley Rock N Roll Lives On 2:28
11. Fire Red Empress Left Unspoken 3:36
12. The Hip Priests Zero Fucks Given 3:49
13. Lewis And The Strange Magics How To Be You 5:49
14. Grand Line On The Way 3:28
15. Hot Fire Bite The Bullet 4:15
16. Ironhead Going Down 3:52


They came, they played, we listened and now we present the latest choice cuts from all shades of new rock community. Crank it up ...

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Classic Rock Magazine / Classic Rock issue 201 SEPTEMBER 2014

[SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 9R96]
[SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LK97]
[Matrix-Nr. 2100005095396 ROC201 CD1softwarelogistics]

Bild 1: Cover
Bild 2: Backcover
Bild 3: CD
Bild 4: Heftcover
Bild 5: Heftcover
Bild 6: Heft-CDs

01 SCORPION VS TARANTULA – Chasing Alive Arizona's feistiest volume dealers let loose with a lethal dose of high contact rock'n'roll. Fronted by leatherbound man-tamer L Hotshot and littered with former members of The Chinese Millionaires and Asses Of Evil, this is desert rock with fangs and claws.
Taken from: Claim to Fame

02 THE LEGENDARY - If I Was A Girl From the dirty black heart of Munich comes The Legendary, a band of true believers who play classic, good time rock'n'roll, assuming your idea of a good time involves a trip to the emergency room and a paternity suit.
Taken from: The Pirates EP

03 HEAVY NECKER - Memento Mori Blooze rock trio from Boston anchored by the fiery Gibson SG of Chris Cardone. Imagine Angus Young joining a gang of 22-year-old glam metal kids and playing until all the beer runs out, or one of them drops dead.
Taken from: Reptile Kings EP

04 GHOST COUNTY - The Dive Drunk'n'roll heroes from Pennsylvania. Any accurate description just reads like a classic Bukowski poem set to a thunderous hard rock beat. If you ever wanna visit Ghost County, it's at the bottom of a glass in the most dangerous bar in town.
Taken from: The Ghost County EP

05 THE DEAF COMMISSION - Until The End The Johannesburg show-stoppers sprang from the loins of South African rock'n'roll juggernauts Black Pimpin' Jesus in 2010. Fun fact: during their first gig, underwear was thrown at them. Men's underwear. It's a long way to the top, man.
Taken from: The Deaf Commission EP

06 FRANKIE MCQUEEN - Mama Told Me These riff-dealing Canadians unleash stadium-ready rock with a heart of blues. Smooth and bombastic, like getting kicked in the teeth by a suave motherfucker.
Taken from: The Nightride EP

07 WE'RE TRAVELED – Last Calls & Assholes Southern-tinged riff rockers from Rhode Island who claim to be a "party in your fuckin' ear". They're right. They're influenced by motorcycles and good beer, though any beer would do.
Taken from: Last Calls & Assholes EP

08 SMOKIN' DURRYS - Should've Known Better Heavy blooze rockin' duo from Falmouth who make enough of a racket for 17 dudes and cement mixer. They may be young, but they've got old, wrinkled souls. You'll find 'em stumbling round the UK on tour this year.
Taken from:

09 WIZARD SEX - Rock N Roll Is My Business Debut single from these fuzzy New York psych-rockers. Influenced by the Cramps, Nick Cave and
lost weekends with dangerous women, Wizard Sex are intent on bringing unbridled rock'n'roll decadence back into fashion.
Taken from: Rock N Roll Is My Business

10 TIPI VALLEY - Rock N Roll Lives On From the cluttered bedroom and fertile mind of Swansea's own Ed Toft, Tipi Valley is a one-man arena rock band, and Rock N Roll Lives On is their (erm, his) enduring, lighter-waving anthem.
Taken from: Rock N Roll Lives On

11 FIRE RED EMPRESS - Left Unspoken Rising from the ashes of the late Voodoo Johnson, Birmingham hard rockers Fire Red Empress burst from the gates with a hard-charging, riff-fueled, radio-baiting monster that sounds like all your favorite bands beating each other to death.
Taken from: Paint Me the Devil

12 THE HIP PRIESTS - Zero Fucks Given We can't say it better than the band: "The inbred, oversexed, white trash bastard sons of Iggy P, Johnny T, Lemmy & Handsome Dick. An awesome, glorious mess of rampantly sexual, souped up, lubed up, rock'n'roll". It's all true.
Taken from: Black Denim Blitz

13 LEWIS AND THE STRANGE MAGICS - How To Be You Mysterious, shadowy occult rock from the mists of Barcelona. Best listened to after midnight while candles flicker and wolves howl. There's a good chance a demon will burst through your window and yank your soul out by the roots.
Taken from: 2014 Demo

14 GRAND LINE - On The Way Furious debut from Canadian hard rockers Grand Line. Belying their tender ages, Grand Line sound like some long-lost arena rock band come to claim back their crown. Northern thunder with hooks big enough to land a great white shark.
Taken from: Grand Line EP

15 HOT FIRE - Bite The Bullet Do you remember 1985? l know, it's still pretty hazy to me, too, but Boston's own Hot Fire is here to jog your fried memories. This is the sound a Camaro makes when you fill it full of whiskey instead of gasoline.
Taken from: Lost In Rock & Roll

16 IRONHEAD - Going Down High octane sleaze rock from this gang of lifers from the sweat-soaked confines of Wilmington, NC. Featuring the husband/wife duo of Johnny and Angela Yeagher and a history laced with sex, booze and mayhem, Ironhead are the real deal.
Taken from: 1000 Nights

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