Bob Dylan I've Got A Song To Sing
CD, 1996, Bootleg, Live, 24kt. Gold-CD

Herstellungsland Tschechische Republik
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1996
Zeit 73:56
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Unbekannt / BD 96
Musikrichtung Rock: Blues Rock, Folk Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 73:56  
1. Shake Sugaree 5:57 L C
2. This Wheel's On Fire 7:06 L
3. Friend Of The Devil (Acoustic) 6:36 L C
4. Seven Days 5:19 L
5. Visions Of Johanna (Acoustic) 7:59 L
6. Disease Of Conceit 6:42 L
7. Hattie Carroll (Acoustic) 7:37 L
8. Minglewood Blues 5:39 L C
9. Pretty Peggy-O (Acoustic) 5:56 L
10. Blowin' In The Wind (Acoustic) 8:29 L
11. Like A Rolling Stone (With The Rolling Stones) 6:36 B L


A compilation of rare performances in 1996...

Track 01: Recorded live in Berlin, Germany
on June 17, 1996...
Track 02: Recorded live in Madison, Wisconsin, USA
on April 13, 1996...
Track 03: Recorded live in Lewisburg, USA
on May 3, 1996...
Track 04: Recorded live in Frankfurt, Germany
on June 19, 1996...
Track 05: Recorded live in Differdange, Luxemburg
on June 24, 1996...
Track 06: Recorded live in Buffalo, New York, USA
on May 11, 1996...
Track 07: Recorded live in Orlando, Florida, USA
on April 23, 1996...
Track 08: Recorded live in Differdange, Luxemburg
on June 24, 1996...
Track 09: Recorded live in Mannheim, Germany
on July 2, 1996...
Track 10: Recorded live in Cottbus, Germany
on July 14, 1996...

Track 11: Recorded live in Montpellier, France
on July 27, 1995... (Guest appearance at 'The Rolling Stones' Voodoo Lounge Tour)

This is most definitely a worthwhile issue. It's not necessarily representative of the 1996 tour, but it's not meant to be. It's simply a compilation of some of the rarer songs performed along the way. For what it is, it excels. One of the better compilations ever released. It includes some beautiful versions of Dylan classics, a couple of the all time rarities, and some brilliant cover versions that should be in your collection. The bonus track doesn't belong on a disc of this quality. It's a very poor audience recording, and not a great performance. It is only included because of it's unique, historical importance. What a thrill for the audience that witnessed it... but too bad that it's of such poor quality. To add to the prestige of these recordings, they have been pressed onto a gold disc for this release. The sound quality on most songs is excellent. Because of the different sources, the sound level changes constantly. This could have been corrected in the mastering stage. However, other than the level, and some minor sonic differences, each song rates very high. The music is always warm and full, and the vocals are way out front on top of the mix. The title comes from a line in Dylan's debut performance of Shake Sugaree. The cover and artwork are nice. However, this title deserved to be released in a cover that was better than "nice". Most highly recommended.

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