Benjamin Britten Prince Of The Pagodes Op. 57
DVD, 2005

Herstellungsland Europäische Union
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2005
Orig. Release 1990
Zeit 180:00
EAN-Nr. 0090317382623
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Warner Music Vision / nicht vorhanden
Musikrichtung Klassik
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 180:00  
1. Act One - The Court - Synopsis 180:00
2. Act One - The Court - "The Emperor Divides His Realm"
3. Act One - The Court - "Arrival Of The Kings"
4. Act One - The Court - "Princess Epine"
5. Act One - The Court - "Princess Rose"
6. Act One - The Court - "Epine Snatches The Crown"
7. Act Two - The Other Land - "Synopsis"
8. Act Two - The Other Land - "Rose Has Visions Of The Kings And Epine"
9. Act Two - The Other Land - "Rose Rejects The King Of The North"
10. Act Two - The Other Land - "Rose Rejects The Kings Of The East And West"
11. Act Two - The Other Land - "Rose Rejects The King Of South"
12. Act Two - The Other Land - "The Visions Continue"
13. Act Two - The Other Land - "The Salamander-Prince"
14. Act Two - The Other Land - "Rose And The Prince"
15. Act Three - The Court - "Synopsis!
16. Act Three - The Court - "Epine Has Seized The Throne"
17. Act Three - The Court - "Clouds"
18. Act Three - The Court - "Courtiers"
19. Act Three - The Court - "Rose And The Prince"
20. Act Three - The Court - "Epine And The Kings"
21. Act Three - The Court - "Hand-To-Hand Combat"
22. Act Three - The Court - "Rose And The Prince"
23. Act Three - The Court - "Celebration"
24. Credits
25. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Introduktion"
26. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Early Career"
27. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Creativity"
28. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Frederick Ashton"
29. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Director Of The Royal Ballet"
30. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "Controversy"
31. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "New Muse"
32. Out Of Line: Portrait Of Sir Kenneth Macmillan - "The Prince Of The Pagodas"


Choreografie: Kenneth MacMillan
Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
Dirigent: Ashley Lawrence
Produced and Directed: Derek Bailey

Princess Rose - Darcey Bussell
Princess Epine - Fiona Chadwick
The Prince - Jonathan Cope
The Emperoro -Anthony Dowell
The Fool - Simon Rice
King Of The North - Anthony Dawson
King Of The East - Bruce Sansom
King Of The West - Mark Silver
King Of The South - Ashley Page
The Councellor - Leslie Edwards

Sprache: Englisch (EN)
Untertitel: Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Japanisch (EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, PT, JA)
Regionalcode: 1, 2, 7
Spielzeit: 194 min
Bildformat: 4:3
Tonformat: Dolby Digital 2.0 ST
Extra-Infos: Royal Ballet Covent Garden/ / Ntsc/ Regions 2-5

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