Benjamin Britten A Ceremony Of Carols
CD, 1996

Herstellungsland Europäische Union
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 1996
Zeit 79:14
EAN-Nr. 756055128724
Label/Labelcode CONIFER CLASSICS / LC 5303
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Conifer Records Limited / 75605 51287 2
Musikrichtung Klassik
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
1 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 79:14  
1. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Procession 1:39
2. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Wolcum Yole 1:19
3. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - There Is No Rose 2:42
4. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - That Youngë Child 1:58
5. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Balulalow 1:27
6. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - As Dew In Aprile 0:59
7. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - This Little Babe 1:25
8. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Interlude 3:43
9. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - In Freezing Winter Night 3:58
10. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Spring Carol 1:08
11. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Deo Gracias 1:08
12. A Ceremony Of Carols, Op. 28 - Recession 1:35
13. A Hymn To The Virgin (1930, Revised 1934) 3:07
14. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - Rejoice In God 1:37
15. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - Let Nimrod The Mighty Hunter 1:19
16. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - Hallelujah 1:16
17. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffry 2:12
18. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For The Mouse Is A Creature Of Great Personal Valour 1:02
19. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For The Flowers Are Great Blessings 2:11
20. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For I Am Unter The Same Accusation With My Saviour 2:44
21. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For H Is A Spirit 0:57
22. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For The Instruments Are By Their Rhimes 1:23
23. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - For At The Time Malignity Ceases 1:03
24. Rejoice In The Lamb, Op. 30 - Hallelujah 1:20
25. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - In A Garden Shady This Holy Lady 2:07
26. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - Blessed Cecilia, Appear In Visions 0:35
27. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - I Cannot Grow 1:17
28. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - Blessed Cecilia, Appear In Visions 0:39
29. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - O Ear Whose Creatures 1:23
30. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 - O Dear White Children 3:32
31. Hymn To St. Cecilia, Op. 27 -Blessed Cecilia, Appear In Visions 0:59
32. Missa Brevis, Op. 63 (1959) - Kyrie 2:01
33. Missa Brevis, Op. 63 (1959) - Gloria 2:39
34. Missa Brevis, Op. 63 (1959) - Sanctus 1:27
35. Missa Brevis, Op. 63 (1959) - Benedictus 1:41
36. Missa Brevis, Op. 63 (1959) - Agnus Dei 2:23
37. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - St. Godric's Hymn 1:40
38. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - I Mon Waxe Wod 0:41
39. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - Lenten Is Come 2:24
40. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - The Long Night 1:14
41. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - Yif Is Of Luve Can 2:50
42. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - Carol 1:37
43. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - Ye That Pasen By 2:02
44. Sacred And Profane - Eight Medieval Lyrics, Op. 91 (1975) - A Death 2:51


The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, directed by Richard Marlow
Track 8: Harp solo: Frances Kelly
Tracks 12 - 24 / 32-36: Organ: Christopher Allsop

Recorded in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge

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