Aurora All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend
CD, 2016, Special Edition, Digi-Book

Herstellungsland Deutschland
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2016
Zeit 64:49
EAN-Nr. 602547379269
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Decca / 4737926
Musikrichtung Pop: Electro, Pop-Rock, Synth Pop
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
15 (4 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 64:49  
1. Runaway 4:09
2. Conqueror 3:28
3. Running With The Wolves 3:15
4. Lucky 4:13
5. Winter Bird 4:04
6. I Went Too Far 3:28
7. Through The Eyes Of A Child 4:34
8. Warrior 3:43
9. Murder Song 3:20
10. Home 3:33
11. Under The Water 4:25
12. Black Water Lilies 4:43
13. Half The World Away 3:18 B C
14. Murder Song [Acoustic Version] 3:39 B
15. Nature Boy 3:00 B C
16. Wisdom Cries 4:07 B
17. Running With The Wolves [Pablo Nouvelle Remix] 3:50 B


Deluxe edition in digibook style with glued 40-page booklet

Produced and recorded by O. Martin & Magnus Skylstad
"Under the Water" also recorded and produced by Edvard Førre Erfjord & Henrik Barman Michelsen
"Nature Boy" also produced by Askjell Solstrand
Additional production, Programming & Mix on "Conqueror", "I Went Too Far" and "Warrior" by Jeremy Wheatley
"Runaway", "Conqueror", "Running with the Wolves", "Lucky", "Through the Eyes of a Child", "Home", "Black Water Lilies", "Murder Song [Acoustic]", "Nature Boy" and "Wisdom Cries" mixed by O. Martin & Magnus Skylstad
"Lucky", "Winter Bird", "Murder Song" and "Under the Water" mixed by Neil Comber, assisted by Darren Jones
"Conqueror", "I Went Too Far" and "Warrior" mixed by Jeremy Wheatley

Recorded and mixed at Lydriket Studio, Bergen, Norway
"Lucky", "Winter Bird", "I Went Too Far" and "Murder Song" recorded and mixed at The Engine Room, Miloco Studios, London
Mastered by Alex Wharton at Abbey Road Mastering, London, UK
"Conqueror" remixed at 4DB Studios, London, UK
The Royal Philharmonica Orchestra recorded at Angel Studios, London

Aurora Aksnes: Vocals on all songs, Piano on "Runaway", "I Went Too Far", "Through the Eyes of a Child" and "Black Water Lilies", Synth on "Runaway"
O. Martin: Piano on "Home" and "Half the World Away", Synth on "Runaway", "Winter Bird", "I Went Too Far", "Through the Eyes of a Child", "Warrior", "Murder Song" and "Black Water Lilies", Drums & Percussion on "Conqueror", Programming on "Conqueror", "Lucky", "Winter Bird", "I Went Too Far", "Under the Water", "Black Water Lilies" and "Half the World Away", Bass on "Conqueror", "Running with the Wolves", "Lucky", "Murder Song" and "Home", Acoustic Guitar on "Murder Song [Acoustic]" and "Nature Boy"
Magnus Skylstad: Drums & Percussion on all songs, Piano on "Conqueror", Synth on "Runaway", "Lucky", "Through the Eyes of a Child" and "Warrior"
Alf Lund Godbolt: Synth on "Conqueror" and "Lucky", Programming on "Through the Eyes of a Child"
Nicolas Rebscher: Synth on "Running with the Wolves", Keyboards & Programming on "Wisdom Cries", Programming on "Running with the Wolves"
Oystein Skar: Synth on "Home"
Pete Davis: Keyboards & Programming on "Conqueror", "I Went Too Far" and "Warrior"
Michelle Leonard: Keyboards & Programming on "Wisdom Cries"
Edvard Førre Erfjord: Programming on "Under the Water"
Henrik Barman Michelsen: Programming on "Under the Water"
Matias Monsen: Cello on "Nature Boy"
Askjell Solstrand: Wurlitzer Organ on "Half the World Away"
The Royal Philharmonica Orchestra: Orchestra on "Half the World Away", conducted By Geoff Lawson

All songs written by Aurora Aksnes, except "Half the World Away" written by Noel Gallagher, and "Nature Boy" written by Eden Ahbez
"Runaway", "Conqueror", "I Went Too Far", "Warrior", "Black Water Lilies" and "Murder Song [Acoustic]" also written by Magnus Skylstad
"Conqueror", "Lucky", "I Went Too Far", "Warrior", "Murder Song" "Black Water Lilies" and "Murder Song [Acoustic]" written by O. Martin
"Conqueror" also written by Geir Luedy
"Running with the Wolves", "Through the Eyes of a Child", "Warrior" and "Wisdom Cries" also written by Michelle Leonard
"Running with the Wolves", "Warriors" and "Wisdom Cries" also written by Nicolas Rebscher
"Winter Bird" also written by Jonny Wright
"Through the Eyes of a Child" also written by Alf Lund Godbolt
"Warrior" also written by Janis Liphard & Alex Knolle
"Home" also written by Tom Hull
"Under the Water" also written by Edvard Førre Erjford & Henrik Barman Michelsen

All songs published by Rolf Budde Musikverlag GmbH
"Runaway", "Conqueror", "Winter Bird", "I Went Too Far", "Through the Eyes of a Child", "Warrior" and "Under the Water" published by Ultra Music Publishing Europe SG
"Conqueror" also published by Copyright Control
"Conqueror", "Lucky", "Warrior", "Murder Song" and "Black Water Lilies" also published by Insieme Music Publishing
"Running with the Wolves", "Through the Eyes of a Child", "Warrior", "Home" and "Wisdom Cries" published by Universal Music Publishing
"Under the Water" published by San Remo Live Ltd.
"Nature Boy" published by Chappell Morris Ltd.
"Half the World Away" published by SM Publishing (UK) Limited

Digital art, still-life images and graphic design by Jane Long
Original images of Aurora by Bent Rene Synnevag
Live images by Knut Skylstad

℗ & © 2016 Decca, a division of Universal Music Operations Ltd.
Made in the E.U. BIEM/SDRM 4737926

SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LV26
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 01**
Name Presswerk: EDC
Matrix: [4x Universal Logo] 06025 473 792-6 01 * 53915805
Matrix (Innenring): MADE IN GERMANY BY EDC

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