Annuals Count The Rings
LP, 2010

Herstellungsland Deutschland
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2010
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. 673790026132
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Souterrain Transmissions / Sou014LP
Musikrichtung Rock: Alternative Rock, Indie Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
2 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. Eyes In The Darkness
2. Hot Night Hounds
3. Springtime
4. Hair Don´t Grow
5. Hardwood Floor
6. Loxstep
7. Turncloaking
8. Sweet Sister
9. The Giving Tree
10. Always Do
11. Holler And Howl


Count The Rings

Annuals are friends. Annuals are plant enthusiasts & animal lovers. Annuals are part of a harmonious family and Annuals also happen to be a band. Hailing from the tranquilly artistic town of Raleigh, NC, Annuals are a talented assembly of young musicians, whose debut was released just short of their twentieth birthdays. And when Annuals get together, the music they create is very special indeed.

Three of Annuals' members - Adam Baker (songwriter/vocals/every other instrument under the sun), Kenny Florence (lead guitar/backing vocals) and Mike Robinson (bass/backing vocals) – formed their first band together when they were 13. Zack Oden (drums/guitar), Donzel Radford (drums/percussion) and Anna Spence (keyboard/piano/backing vocals) soon followed, solidifying the group's six person line-up in 2004. From this more-than-potent combination of players and personalities an incredible music collective was born. Frontman Baker, a gifted composer who had already amassed a body of work by age 17, is an expert at constructing beautifully layered soundscapes that morph and blossom into lush, bombastic pop anthems. The band released their first album “Be He Me” in 2006 to much critical acclaim. After tours with The Flaming Lips, Bloc Party and Calexico & Minus the Bear, Annuals continued to impress with their exuberant live performances, Southern charm, youthful attitude and amazingly crafted and eclectic songs. If their sound proved the limitless possibilities of their musical imaginations, their shows established them as a mad, energetic force in which members often switched instruments between and during songs. And now, Annuals are ready for more.

“Count the Rings” will be Annuals first European release since “Be He Me”. It is a compelling mix of the band’s favorite songs and b-sides that have yet to see the light of day outside of the US. All songs are written by Adam and most produced & recorded by him in Annuals owned hometown, Terpsikhore Studios. This is Annuals the way they want you to hear them. Very appropriately, the first single from “Count the Rings” is a catchy once b-side, “Eyes in the Darkness”.

“Count the Rings” encompasses the pure energy of what Annuals are made of and known for; the quirky experimentalism, the intrinsic pop sensibility, the impeccable production & the boundless independent spirit. Electrifyingly alive.

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