Amnesty International: Music For Human Rights
CD, 2003, Digipak, Multimedia

Herstellungsland USA
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2003
Zeit 39:38
EAN-Nr. nicht vorhanden
Label/Labelcode nicht vorhanden
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Asterisk / AST 2003-2
Musikrichtung Rock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
0 (1 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Künstler/Band Titel Zeit Besonderheit
Gesamtzeit 39:38  
1. David Gray Dead In The Water 3:06
2. Radiohead Sail To The Moon 4:18
3. 1 Giant Leap Braided Hair [Feat. Speech & Neneh Cherry] 4:03
4. Coldplay Politik 5:18
5. Aimee Mann Humpty Dumpty 4:01
6. Ryan Adams Somehow, Someday 4:23
7. Beth Orton God Song [Feat. Emmylou Harris & Ryan Adams] 5:15
8. Badly Drawn Boy Bedside Story 4:52
9. Revboy Lean On Me 4:22
10. Fischerspooner Maypop [Video]


AMNESTY International | asterisk Entertainment | CarbonNeutral® | | AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL // (p)/c) 2003 Amnesty International USA - manufactured by Asterisk Entertainment Ltd.

compilation produced by Josephine Ciallella, Michael Cox and Richard Bauer

09 - REVBOY / LEAN ON ME (Revboy),
Courtesy of Asterisk Entertainment Ltd., published by Richtunes, From Who Is Revboy?
- Asterisk Entertainment Ltd., Attn: Richard Bauer, 45 Park Street, Pleasantville, New York, 10570

AMG MacKenzie Wilson:
"In December 2003, Amnesty International launched a campaign entitled Music for Human Rights with plans of attracting not only music-savvy individuals of Generations X and Y, but those interested peoples aware of the grassroots organization's human rights efforts. The U.S. chapter gathered some of the new millennium's biggest names in alternative pop/rock and indie rock for a limited-edition compilation as an incentive for those to join the group, and the effort couldn't be more flawless. Amnesty International: Music for Human Rights finds Radiohead, Coldplay, Aimee Mann, David Gray, and Ryan Adams contributing tracks well suited for the cause although these particular chosen songs are available on their respective albums. Other highlights from Badly Drawn Boy and Beth Orton round out the cohesive selection found on Amnesty International: Music for Human Rights. A band that's not known as well as those previously mentioned is Revboy. The music collective features an unknown amount of artists, those who are very well responsible for selling millions of albums worldwide, yet they're completely anonymous by choice in order to safeguard Amnesty's ideals of free speech and artistic expression. Revboy make their debut here with the "Lean on Me" and it's a fantastic contribution to the album, an intoxicating swirl of American underground, experimental rock, and neo-psychedelia. The enhanced-CD track "Maypop" from the stylish dance group Fischerspooner is also included."

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