AC/DC Let There Be Rock - Collectors Limited Edition
3-DVD, 2008, Bootleg, Box, Limited Edition, Special Edition

Herstellungsland Europäische Union
Veröffentlichungs-Jahr 2008
Zeit k.A.
EAN-Nr. 823880029851
Label/Labelcode k.A.
Plattenfirma/Katalog-Nr. Sandbeach Holdings Ltd. / CBX2985
Musikrichtung Rock: Hardrock
Sammlungen Gesucht Flohmarkt
2 (2 privat) 0 0


I = Instrumental L = Live B = Bonustrack H = Hidden Track C = Coversong
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. [The World's Greatest Albums- Back In Black - The Ultimate Critical Review]
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. [The Bon Scott Years]
Track Titel Zeit Besonderheit
1. [The Brian Johnson Era]


Collectors Limited Edition 3 DVD + 1 Buch

DVD1: The World's Greatest Albums- Back in Black - The Ultimate Critical Review
The year was 1980, and AC/DC had just lost legendary frontman Bon Scott. He had been the epitome of the hard rockin' sound the band made their own, and this would have been the end of the line for most. However, Brian Johnson was recruited and the band produced their most popular album Back In Black, selling over 40 million copies worldwide.
A dedicated team of professionals, including AC/DC aficionado and author Paul Stenning and journalist and author Carol Clerk, review the key factors in the conception and creation of the album. One of the most important elements in Back In Black was the production, and experts Tony Platt and Simon Davie insight into what really made this album buzz.
With rare archive performance and interview footage, this film will take you behind the facade of the official release, in an uncompromising and complete review of one of the best Rock 'n' Roll albums ever made!
Laufzeit: 147 Min.

DVD2: The Bon Scott Years
DVD3: The Brian Johnson Era
"AC/DC - Music In Review (2 DVDs + Buch)"
This is the ultimate critical review of a legendary band, from the early days when AC/DC rose from playing obscure clubs to conquering the world. For many fans, Bon Scott was a legendary front man without equal, and his powerful voice was the key to a host of classic hits from "Whole Lotta Rosie" to "Let There Be Rock". After his tragic death, the virtually unknown Brian Johnson stepped into the breach, and AC/DC came storming back with the classic album "Back In Black". Featuring rare footage, much of it appearing on DVD for the first time, this powerful film draws together a team of leading critics and working musicians to review the legacy of probably the best hard rock band and the world has ever seen.
Featuring highlights from Let There Be Rock, Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be, Highway To Hell, Rock 'n' Roll Damnation, Back In Black, You Shook Me All Night Long, For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) and many more.
Laufzeit: 150 Min.

Format: PAL
Sprache: Englisch
Bildseitenformat: 16:9 - 1.77:1
Anzahl Disks: 3
FSK: Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Studio: SPV
Erscheinungstermin: 7. November 2008
Produktionsjahr: 1991
Spieldauer: 297 Minuten

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