
Registriert seit: 22.08.2007

Zum Verkauf 0 Eingetragen 775
Bewertungen: 229 Reviews: 2
Genres: Blues, Comedy, Country, Dark Wave/Gothic, Elektronische Musik, Hardcore, House, Hörspiel/Hörbuch, Jazz, Klassik, Metal, Musical, Pop, Punk, Rap/Hip Hop, Reggae, Rock, Schlager, Singer/Songwriter/Liedermacher, Ska, Sonstiges, Soul/R&B, Soundtrack, Volksmusik/Folklore, World Music
Bewertungsverteilung von dersturmrules
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
1 3 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 19 9 61 19 28 7 70

0.5: 1.4285714285714% (1x)

1.0: 4.2857142857143% (3x)

1.5: 0% (0x)

2.0: 5.7142857142857% (4x)

2.5: 0% (0x)

3.0: 2.8571428571429% (2x)

3.5: 0% (0x)

4.0: 0% (0x)

4.5: 0% (0x)

5.0: 5.7142857142857% (4x)

5.5: 0% (0x)

6.0: 1.4285714285714% (1x)

6.5: 1.4285714285714% (1x)

7.0: 27.142857142857% (19x)

7.5: 12.857142857143% (9x)

8.0: 87.142857142857% (61x)

8.5: 27.142857142857% (19x)

9.0: 40% (28x)

9.5: 10% (7x)

10.0: 100% (70x)

Die letzten Bewertungen
7.0 für Queensrÿche: Verdict, The (2019) (28.12.2019 14:45)
7.0 für Atlantean Kodex: Golden Bough, The (2010) (28.12.2019 14:23)
7.5 für Agent Steel: Alienigma (2007) (28.12.2019 14:03)
9.0 für Sacrosanct: Truth Is What Is (1990) (28.12.2019 14:03)
7.0 für Alistair Terry: Yonge At Heart (1985) (28.12.2019 14:02)
8.0 für Circus Diablo: Circus Diablo (2007) (28.12.2019 14:01)
8.0 für Candlemass: Door To Doom, The (2019) (28.12.2019 14:01)
8.0 für Symphony X: Paradise Lost (2007) (28.12.2019 14:00)
8.0 für Galneryus: Flag Of Punishment, The (2003) (28.12.2019 13:58)
8.0 für Alliance, The: Time (1997) (27.12.2019 09:40)
Insgesamt 229 Bewertungen vorhanden. Alle anzeigen
Die letzten Reviews

01.11.2011 16:41 - Anthrax: Greater Of Two Evils, The (2004)

0.5 / 10
Neueinspielungen alter Klassiker sind ja immer so'ne Sache... und ANTHRAX taten sich mit "The Greater Of Two Evils" absout keinen Gefallen. Das größte Übel hierbei ist John Bush, dessen limitierte(s) Stimme(nvolumen) einfach nicht zu Songs wie "Keep It In The Family", "A.I.R." oder "Among The Living" passt. Einen halben Punkt gebe ich für die Songsauswahl, ansonsten ist dieser Versuch völlig fehl geschlagen. [Review lesen]

27.02.2010 14:13 - Conniption: Method To Madness, A (2008)

9.5 / 10
I will make this review relatively short and direct the parts that make the album directly. The vocals on this CD are astounding. Brigham has, imo, one of the best voices in metal that I have ever heard. That statement may seem like a exaggeration, but in all seriousness, he became my favorite metal vocalist as soon as I finished the CD. I prefer writing reviews formally, but I really cannot find a better way to describe the bass in this album other than sexy. For one, you can hear it (something absent in MANY metal albums). Secondly, he doesn't just mindlessly follow the guitars, he actually adds something to the song. He is more than just a low end to add power, and as a bass player I think that that is invaluable. Thirdly, he solos more than once. Usually, if a bass player has a solo in a cd, he only has one pity song that the band threw in there for him. Dziuk has a few solos, and each of them sounded different. They flowed perfectly with the song. The guitar parts in this song also had a solid performance. I'm not so astounded by that, considering that's a must in most metal, but they still deserve to be recognized. The drums in this song actually had hooks. Many bands now think speed and a few quick drum fills suffice, but here, the drums keep more than a beat. If you can work a cow bell into a metal song ("Return to Terror"), you are most likely a good drummer. The lyrics are not especially catchy or extraordinarily interesting, but they are pretty good. Combine that with the way the are sung, and there are a few lines that you will not get out of you head. The songwriting in this CD may be its best quality. Tracks like "Metal Mayhem" and "Return to Terror" will give you whiplash (I like the cliche) because of the unstoppable head banging they will cause. Songs like "Successor to the Throne" and "Workhorse" will have you entranced in their endless grooves and riffs. And even their slow song "Quietus" will grasp your attention. This is one of those albums that you will listen the whole way through multiple times. The production is extremely good for a bands first attempt. As far as I know they skipped the EP and went straight to the full length. If so, I am both impressed and pleased. The only fault I found in this album was on the song "Metal Mayhem." I wished the outro solo would have gone longer. That's it, other than that, this album is flawless. I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a metal classic in a couple years, and I'd be even less surprised to see Conniption become a big name in metal [Review lesen]

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