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#1 16.08.2014 07:26:22

Ort: Auckland, New Zealand
Registriert: 14.02.2013
Beiträge: 1

Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?
It's a really good site with lots of valuable information but it's impossible to navigate for us English speakers hmm

Any comments welcome cool

Todd // dreadmeat
New Zealand

I buy, sell and swap all over the world, contact me for a list or just click on my website [which is just a link to my Metal Archives trade list]



#2 16.08.2014 08:01:52

Crystal Logic
No experience in ordering from distros
Ort: Arkham
Registriert: 28.03.2012
Beiträge: 13.498

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

If Elric (the main host of this site) decides to do so (and if it is possible of course), i think i would agree to help with translating. But anyway, he has to decide that of course. wink

I guess You think of some kind of opportunity to "switch" between the two languages?

Beitrag geändert von Crystal Logic (16.08.2014 08:18:04)

"Die Verwesung der modernen Welt nicht zu spüren, ist ein Indiz der Ansteckung."

Beneath the fragile crust of this modern age of reason
A darker world lies waiting, primordial and pure.


#3 19.08.2014 01:50:41

Registriert: 05.10.2013
Beiträge: 30

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

Would be a good thing... My friend in DC was heartbroken that there is no english version of the site.

I´d be willing to help.

If this is a Q of money we should start a fundraiser for this. I am sure any native speaker would be willing to chip in, right?

i dont care as long as you sing


#4 19.08.2014 13:28:10

Registriert: 31.07.2007
Beiträge: 9.199

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

As far as I know the 2.0 Version of this site will offer at least english menu titles and buttons to add entries to the database and maintain the own collection.
I don't know when it will be released but I know that it will not last another 6 years. wink

EDIT: There is a professional translator in the moderator team.

Beitrag geändert von Colonel (19.08.2014 13:28:54)

If Satan needs Soldiers I'm for war!
F-C-H - Wir sind immer da!


#5 03.07.2017 18:57:07

Ort: Augsburg Fuggercity
Registriert: 24.06.2009
Beiträge: 7.724

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

huhu sorry i speak not god english , this is my DS , is this god translation for the speaking english People ?

Hier meine Sammlung , die ich seit über 20 Jahren versuche komplett zu bekommen >>


#6 04.07.2017 08:02:53

Pisan Zapra
Ort: Linksrheinisch
Registriert: 29.04.2006
Beiträge: 35.575

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

vinylsammler schrieb:

huhu sorry i speak not god english , this is my DS , is this god translation for the speaking english People ?

huhu wink Dass Du auf ein 3 Jahre altes Posting geantwortet hast, war Dir klar..? wink

Dem Threadstarter (der hier nicht mehr aktiv ist) ging es um die Navigation auf der Seite und in den Menüs auf Englisch. smile


#7 01.03.2021 13:34:55

Ofo E. Watazubi
Ort: Südost-Pengö
Registriert: 11.12.2005
Beiträge: 6.440

Re: Any chance of this entire site getting an English translation?

Ist diesbezüglich noch was in 'Planung' oder ist das mittlerweile gestorben?

Beitrag geändert von Metalpriest (01.03.2021 13:35:18)


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