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#1 31.01.2010 11:54:21

Ort: Canada
Registriert: 06.09.2008
Beiträge: 131

Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ripped me off $575.00 USD. He sent me an email saying that he was sending me out a package on November 11th 2009 and as of today, I still have not recieved anything and he's avoiding my emails.

Aviod like the plague.


#2 31.01.2010 22:04:05

Progressiv, Psychedelische Musik Tante
Ort: Ostrand Ruhrpott
Registriert: 22.11.2006
Beiträge: 19.601

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ouch. sad


#3 01.02.2010 09:12:29

Registriert: 27.06.2008
Beiträge: 639

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ouch that really hurts sad

No success via ebay report? If you paid with PayPal you should have good chances to get your money back, since he needs to proove that he shipped the package. If he can't proove, Paypal will pay the money and THEY will collect the amount from this nice seller.

Really hope you will get your money back!!

7.000 and counting!



#4 01.02.2010 12:53:51

Ort: Ice cold hell (Sweden)
Registriert: 26.07.2008
Beiträge: 261

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This really sucks, I hope you can somehow get the money back.

Will stay away from this nut.


#5 01.02.2010 22:30:50

Registriert: 17.11.2009
Beiträge: 622

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I agree, normally PayPal immediately takes the money from the seller, and even if he can proove that he has shipped your items, with PayPal the chance is not bad that you get your money back...

Beitrag geändert von Aaattaack (01.02.2010 22:31:17)


#6 02.02.2010 10:07:54

¡Viva la reacción!
Ort: Wuppertal
Registriert: 25.11.2004
Beiträge: 50.632

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry Avengement, nothing personal of course, but I deleted all personal information about that seller from your post.

We know that good or bad experiences with mailorders, eBay sellers and shops may be interesting information - and often worth sharing among collectors.

As we are not in a position, however, to check if your (or anybody else's) negative feedback for some seller is justified or not we would like to avoid having a black list of some kind here.
Also, from a legal point of view I'm not quite sure if that is 100% safe for Elric. You might very well consider this slander if the fraud is not sufficiently proven.



#7 24.02.2010 03:33:19

Ort: Canada
Registriert: 06.09.2008
Beiträge: 131

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This was not an ebay transaction. This was a private transaction done through paypal. The problem is that the deadline for filing a dispute has since long passed. I have had a couple small successful dealings with the seller before hand and granted that he also had communication issues gave him quite a substantial amount of time before coming to the conclusion that he stole my money. It's sad that some people work like this because he gained my trust through the smaller deals and then when the large one came along took my money and ran.

On a side note, I don’t see how this could qualify as slander or cause any legal issues as I still have every single email ever exchanged which would act as solid evidence.

Either way, if the personal information exposing this seller (which was the point of this thread) is now removed as to censor the information from others, there really is no point in this thread to remain open. So, I am going to request that it be closed, unless such information is allowed to be displayed.

Beitrag geändert von Avengement (24.02.2010 03:37:21)


#8 24.02.2010 09:28:27

Registriert: 31.07.2007
Beiträge: 9.199

Re: Avoid This Seller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ok the thread is closed now

If Satan needs Soldiers I'm for war!
F-C-H - Wir sind immer da!


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