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Sorry, I'm a new member and my German isn't very good. How do I add new albums, singles, groups that aren't in the database? I checked the Help pages but couldn't find an answer.
Sorry, I'm a new member and my German isn't very good. How do I add new albums, singles, groups that aren't in the database? I checked the Help pages but couldn't find an answer.
Click on the link 'Dateneingabe' (data entry) in the left column, this will lead you adding new records (LPs, CDs, 7"s etc. pp. - there will be a point to specify the format later in the data entry process).
Everything following should be pretty self-explanatory - but, of course, in German... So, if you should need help at some point just let us know here!
OK thanks, didn't know you had to use "alle Daten speichern" to get to the next page
Not sure if I am on the right page to say 'Hello' to other members as I unfortunately cannot speak German so will take a risk and post a message. I am a huge fan and collector of Airbourne music and value this site for its valuable information on what has been released by the band. I wish to reciprocate by adding items from my collection for other like-minded collectors.
Not sure if I am on the right page to say 'Hello' to other members as I unfortunately cannot speak German so will take a risk and post a message.
Hi Steve!
Basically you are right here. You can find our "Hell-o"-thread here if you like to introduce yourself.
Feel free to start a thread in this forum if you want to discuss about Airbourne releases.
(At the top on the right --> "Neues Thema eröffnen" means "Start a new thread".)
Welcome and enjoy!
Welcome to the forum Steve, if you find it hard to navigate the forum you can change the language on the forum functions in your "Profil"
In the first page, change the second drop down list to English and press the button at the bottom named "absenden"
Do note that the topics will not translate, just the forum functions.
Thank you for the warm welcome and info on how to get started - much appreciated.
All the best
Welcome, Steve!
Would be nice if You could tell me, whether this board really works in English, because then I could invite some foreign friends to file their collections!
Hier geht es in meine Heimat: www.musikzirkus.eu und das ist meine Sammlung (noch nicht komplett): http://www.musik-sammler.de/sammlung/nobbygard Hier verkaufe ich Musik und Lesestoff https://www.fairnopoly.de/users/kulturblume
Welcome, Steve!
Would be nice if You could tell me, whether this board really works in English, because then I could invite some foreign friends to file their collections!
I've been using the board in English language since I joined, works really well... except for that topic titles doesn't translate, but that is a minor problem.
Most things can be figured out, and when they can't there is always this section of the board to ask for help.
Thanks - I will tell some friends!
Hier geht es in meine Heimat: www.musikzirkus.eu und das ist meine Sammlung (noch nicht komplett): http://www.musik-sammler.de/sammlung/nobbygard Hier verkaufe ich Musik und Lesestoff https://www.fairnopoly.de/users/kulturblume
Seiten: 1